與 以賽亞書 43:19 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
健康教會DNA – (七)如何培養健康的DNA
教會人數眾多不一定就是真正的成功,唯有教會健康才是最重要。健康的教會,一定要能建造許多健康生命質素(DNA),並使這些健康教會的DNA能繼續建立和傳承下去,以在質和量上不斷成長。 健康教會DNA,無非是:面向外邦、不怕困難、對神有積極的信心、帶出最好、築夢踏實、人人參與、滿有動力。盼望我們皆能共同建立健康、榮耀的教會,使教會能世世代代都行在神的心意中! 此讀經計劃截取自王天佑牧師著作的『健康教會DNA』。
Dear Addiction...
5 Days
"Dear Addiction..." is a 5-day reading plan that dives into the cycle of addiction from a biblical standpoint. The Word offers so much insight and power regarding our struggles, we pray that this devotional comforts and inspires you through the recovery process!
The Vow
6 Days
In this Life.Church Bible Plan, six couples write about six wedding vows they never officially said at the altar. These vows of preparation, priority, pursuit, partnership, purity, and prayer are the vows that make marriages work long past the wedding. Whether you’re married or just thinking about it, it’s time to make the vow.
7 Days
Why are you doing that? “Um, because I can do all things through Christ!” We love to quote our favorite verses to inspire each other—but sometimes, those verses get Twisted. This Bible Plan from Life.Church examines seven of the most butchered Bible verses. Start reading today and learn to live out God’s plans for you.
Pursuing Peace
7 Days
Tearfund seeks God's leading in how to be an active voice of peace, restored relationships, and cohesion amongst communities around the world. This 7-day study has daily actions for restoring your own relationships and praying for the world we live in, using rich wisdom from African proverbs to help us discover God’s true peace.
Divine Direction
7 Days
Every day, we make choices that shape our life story. What would your life look like if you became an expert at making those choices? In the Divine Direction Bible Plan, New York Times bestselling author and Senior Pastor of Life.Church, Craig Groeschel, encourages you with seven principles from his Divine Direction book to help you find God’s wisdom for your daily decisions. Discover the spiritual direction you need to live a God-honoring story you’ll love to tell.
7 days
Sex. There’s more to it than just, “Wait until you’re married!” What happens once you get married? What freedoms do you have? What if you’re married and sex isn’t working? What does the Bible say and not say about it? For answers to these questions and more, start this Bible Plan from finds.life.church.
「如果人生是一臺戲,演給世人和天使觀看,那我們就為此譜寫主題曲。」7 天、7 首主題曲、7 篇讀經計劃,讓你找回真實的自己,從你的夢想走進神的夢想!一起找回勇氣和盼望,成為世上的光!
跨越Pray 1
生命的成長無需著急,我們鼓勵你透過 90 天生命突破的禱告這本專門為靈命成長而寫的書,一周、一周地完成操練,一步、一步地踏穩步伐向前行。 願神從此刻開啟你靈裡的畫布與稿紙 讓你開始為祂創作,並且開始分享與祝福更多的人! 透過每周的主題、每周特別設計的 時間,鼓勵你每天進行聖經經文的禱讀帶領及 思想回顧、記錄和行動,這些都將幫助你一一經歷與神同行的自潔旅程。
Holy Hustle: Embrace A Work-Hard, Rest-Well Life
10 Days
Balance. It's what we long for in our lives as we hear shouts of "work harder!" in one ear, and whispers to "rest more" in the other. What if God's plan for us isn't just one way or the other? Enter holy hustle—a lifestyle of working hard and resting well in ways that honor God.
Finding God's Truth In The Storms Of Life
10 Days
As Christians, we are not immune to troubles in this world. In fact, John 16:33 promises they will come. If you are facing the storms of life right now, this devotional is for you. It is a reminder of the hope that gets us through life's storms. And if you aren't facing any struggles in this moment, it will give you the foundation that will help you through future trials.