Because of a believer’s union with Christ, God counts what happened to Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension as having happened to the believer as well. Therefore, just as Jesus is now seated in glory, so is the believer.
READ: Ephesians 2:4-7
READ: Colossians 3:1-4
Jesus died. We died. Jesus rose. We rose. Jesus is seated in glory. Therefore, so are we! We are to set our minds on heavenly things—where Christ is—rather than earthly things. What are some earthly things that vie for your attention? Name them specifically. How can you set your mind more on things above? Remember Hebrews 12:1-3. Christ is risen! We have been raised with Him! Alleluia!
WRONG THINKING: The things of this earth are all that really matters. I must think about and pursue them.
RIGHT THINKING: Since Christ is seated above, and God counts me as seated there with Him, my mind should be on my heavenly home.
略讀以弗所書 1 - 2 章,看這兩章經文如何描繪我們在基督裡的新身分。這個由 Thistlebend Ministries 所提供的讀經計劃將會帶動我們更徹底地活出神賦予我們的新身分。
我們感謝Thistlebend Ministries提供這個計劃。想獲取更多資訊,請至以下網址:www.thistlebendministries.org