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Journey To The Manger

70 天中的第 38 天

God’s Heart Revealed  

Lay aside for a moment all the theological reasons that explain why Christ came to earth, and think only about God’s great love for you. He loved you so much that He lay aside His glory and honor to become Emmanuel, the One who walks with you. Consider that everything from the beginning—from the Garden of Eden to His work in your own life—was motivated and designed by love.

Love motivated Him to appear to a lowly temple widow who’d prayed decade after decade for His coming. Out of love, God rearranged His schedule so He could meet with the many individuals He ministered to and healed. And it was out of love that He dined with desperate sinners and estranged tax collectors. Those whom society cast aside, He gathered in His arms. His life was love in action.

Jesus showed us the true heart of God, living among us and inviting us to true, deep friendship with Him. He came not to rule and destroy but to save and offer new life to all who would come to Him.

Activity: Call a friend you haven’t spoken with in a while and spend some time reconnecting.


Journey To The Manger

在二千年前一個寧靜的晚上、天使們將救世主將要降生的訊息帶給一群正在放羊的牧羊人。當聽到訊息後,那些牧羊人立即放下一切、去尋找在伯利恆一個馬槽內將要誕生的嬰孩。多年後的今日、救世主降臨世上的喜訊仍沒改變。美國知名牧師查爾斯·史丹利(Dr. Charles Stanley)在此與大家一起探討如何親近我們的救主、並鼓勵我們趁此佳節從生活中抽出時間來安歇在天父的愛裡。 


我們非常感謝 In Touch Ministries 提供這個計劃。若想得知更多訊息,請瀏覽: