YouVersion 標誌



7 天中的第 2 天

Finding our worth in Christ takes the pressure off our relationships with those we love. We can live without having to prove ourselves or have them meet all of our needs.

Sitting in the deepest part of us is an enormous desire to connect. We crave intimate connection with our people more than nearly any other thing.

Isn’t it just beautiful how much of this chapter in John is devoted to a conversation with an adulterous woman? Jesus was so fully present with her and fully aware of her needs and committed to meeting her needs, needs she didn’t even realize she had. I think of how often I avoid intentional conversations. It is easier to brush by people and in turn brush by our lives.

We are rarely fully present with God and others. Jesus had complete knowledge of His eternal home and yet while His feet were on this earth, He chose to live fully present in the dirt with His people. Living intentionally present takes discipline. It means a full on war against an entire culture that prizes busyness. 

At some point in her time with Jesus, this woman went from wandering and searching and hiding to free and engaged and purposeful. She had probably been going to the well alone for years, hoping to hide from the whispers and judgment. But after being with Jesus, she boldly ran back to the town and shared the very thing she had been trying to hide from them and she was even joyful about it! She testified about the Savior who changed her life in mere minutes.

For the last year or more I have met with three of my dearest friends for lunch every week. In our conversations we go to the hardest places, the places you usually keep tucked in the very back of your secret closet. Then together we start to discover what God wants for us.

Because of them, I am learning there is a difference between vulnerability and transparency. This is how I see it.

Vulnerability is precious and useful and can serve great purposes. However, it is as far as we need to go with most acquaintances and social media.

But transparency is necessary with your closest people.

May we be women who understand our identity found in Christ and love those around us out of the security our relationship with Him brings.

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Too many of us walk through life feeling as if we don't measure up. We always seem to thirst for more. We think if we could only work harder or be better, we could be enough. But the truth is, we will never be enough. And thankfully, we don't have to be. In Proven, Jennie Allen walks through the Book of John to demonstrate how only Jesus is enough.

