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The Good, Bad & Ugly預覽

The Good, Bad & Ugly

5 天中的第 4 天

While Fulfilling The God-purpose, It Will Always Seem The Enemy Is Winning

The Jews are scheduled to be wiped out! How often you are going through a situation in your life, and you are convinced this will be the end of you, or you have no more strength to go on, you don’t even have a prayer in you. The enemy has finally won, and you just don’t have the faith to believe anymore, you feel alone, and this could the end! Well, Mordecai felt this same way once the news hit the kingdom. There was a great sense of defeat, loss, and mourning throughout the land. Esther got word from Mordecai what was about to happen and enlisted her help, and at first, she thought to herself, “I can do nothing!” Because the law stated that if anyone approached the king without being called and he was not for seeing them, they would be killed. Initially, Esther took a position she could do nothing to help because her life would be on the line. It didn’t take her long to realize from Mordecai that her life was on the line anyway because the fact is she was also a Jew. 

Esther looked at her present circumstances and decided she couldn’t help because she would be killed but when Mordecai put perspective in her way she changed her mind about what could be done. Sometimes in our own lives, our present state and circumstances can cause us to be blinded to the promises of God’s word, and we can live in defeat thinking there is nothing more I can do. Maybe there isn’t anything you can do in your situation but calling out to God is always the thing we must do. Mordecai showed Esther her purpose, and it was not just to enjoy the palace and the benefits that came with it but to see beyond it, he wanted her to see the purpose of the position and the pain. Sometimes we must surround ourselves with people who will pull us up, set us straight and remind us we were created on purpose for purpose.

Esther then calls for a kingdom-wide fast and prayer for three days among all the fellow Jews. She settled in her heart if she would die it would be for a noble cause of at least trying to save her people and generations to come. You may not feel like you want to go forward right now because the enemy may have pulled out all the stops, maybe the sickness in your body is getting worse rather than better, maybe you just got laid off from your job, and you have no savings, maybe you are nearly at divorce and have no hope, maybe your business seems to go under and it just feels like the enemy is gaining ground. Today, I want to encourage you just like Esther when there was nothing else to do physically, call your church friends, your husband, your wife, your intercessors and do a fast for a few days and just pray to Abba (Father) for wisdom, strength, and favor to make it through this time. Esther’s fast and prayer were done to find favor with the king so she could plead her case for her people and expose the plans of the enemy.

You already have an audience with the King because of what Jesus did for you so don’t let the situation in your life, even though it is bad, keep you from fulfilling your God-purpose. Seek him, plead your case and see him make a way.

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The Good, Bad & Ugly

ALL things are working for your good! As a believer, we are constantly faced with trials in our lives. Sometimes we may think that God is being unfair to us or may have even forgotten about us, but as we review the life of Queen Esther, I trust you will have a God perspective when the storms are raging, and fires keep igniting because ALL things are working for your good.
