Extraordinary Ordinary!預覽

Extraordinary Ordinary!

31 天中的第 28 天

Worship is a prerequisite to peace. If you are having difficulty staying in the oasis of peace and hope, I dare you to worship even when you don’t feel like it. Peace always follows desperate worship, but will never precede it.

The night the physical presence of the God of the universe arrived on planet Earth in the body of a baby boy, the heavenly messengers sang a triumphant song of joy and peace. The victorious symphony of the angels offers us a peek into the birthplace of peace: Peace always follows high worship and an anthem of praise in the night. If you defy your circumstances with your highest praise even in the black of night, you are choosing to accept His wonderful gift of Heaven’s entrance into all of your life’s circumstances. The gift that is given in exchange for worship is the lavish presence of heavenly peace.

Peace is a by-product of complete trust in the Lord and in His character. You must first trust Him if you long for His peace. Rather than begging for peace, perhaps a wiser choice would be to worship, to trust, and then anticipate what is given to you in return.

When you resist anxiety with prayer and thanksgiving you will receive the peace that is impossible to understand with human reasoning. This strong peace that is sent into your life from the throne room of God will perpetually stand guard at your heart and at your mind. This magnificent gift of peace will walk back and forth shielding your thought life and your emotions from an onslaught of residual worry and fear.

Don’t ever confuse having your own way with the peace of God. Don’t ever confuse financial provision with the peace that only God delivers into your life. Don’t ever confuse fractious people suddenly becoming friendly as a substitute for Heaven’s peace on Earth. All of those things are wonderful and even desirable, but always know God’s peace is a blessing and a gift that far surpasses what we see in the natural.
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Extraordinary Ordinary!

“Extraordinary Ordinary!” is a challenge to live well and embrace the life you have been given with no regrets. We must each accept responsibility for our own lives with no blame or aspersions cast in the direction of others and their choices. You, in partnership with God, will design the life that will occupy the length of your days. While you may not be able to determine all of the events and circumstances of your life, the atmosphere of your life is entirely up to you.
