Feeling Better: Devotions From Time of Grace預覽

Feeling Better: Devotions From Time of Grace

31 天中的第 25 天

My Spirit: I'm lost

You've heard the proverb, "You can't go home again." Can prodigal daughters and sons go back to God after they have run away for a long time?

Am I talking about you? Or maybe someone you know? How do you get back to God? What if it's been years, or even decades since you've been in church? Is it too late? What if you don't even know what to think or how to believe anymore? What if you've forgotten the path once learned in Sunday school eons ago?

Here's the beauty of it: you may have forgotten God's voice, but he still knows yours. Your love for him may have cooled, but his for you is greater than ever. You may have lost track of him, but he knows exactly where you are. Here is a prayer you can pray when you feel lost: "O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar" (Psalm 139:1,2).

It's back to the gospel. Remember: God's love for you is based not on your performance but on Christ's. His mercy is bigger than your folly. His arms are still stretched out wide. No, it's not too late. Come home before it is.


Feeling Better: Devotions From Time of Grace

This reading plan is based on words from the psalms for each day of your month. Psalms is unlike all the rest of the Bible in that God has provided for us personal devotional literature for almost every human occasion.
