Our God Who Pursues: Guiding Us Back to Him預覽

Our God Who Pursues: Guiding Us Back to Him

14 天中的第 1 天

Week 1: Repentance and Restoration

God’s Repeated Call

Read: Deuteronomy 30:17-20; Ezekiel 33:10-11

SOAP: Deuteronomy 30:17-18

"However, if you turn aside and do not obey, but are lured away to worship and serve other gods, I declare to you this very day that you will certainly perish! You will not extend your time in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess."

Into the Text

God appointed the people of Israel to be His chosen nation, not because of anything special about them, but because of His great love. They were set apart to bless the world and demonstrate what a relationship with God and holy living looks like, requiring only faith and obedience.

If the people would trust God, put Him first, and obey, they would dwell safely in the land. The people, however, repeatedly chose to reject this covenant, turn to idols, and follow the ways of the false gods of the nations around them.

But God is patient. He gave the people of Israel numerous chances over hundreds of years, to repent, to turn away from their rejection of God, and to turn back to Him with their whole hearts. Instead, they continued to disobey, so God gave them over to what they wanted. This resulted in Israel dividing into two kingdoms, the people being conquered by foreign nations, and eventually sent into exile.

God sent many prophets before, during, and after the exile to warn the people and to call them to repent. This is the context of the minor prophets. They are called “minor” simply because of their length and not their significance. In this study, we will cover five of the twelve minor prophets. Throughout these books, we will see our pursuing God who never gives up on His people, delivering hope despite continued rebellion.

Where are you today? Are you ignoring God’s call to return to Jesus, like Israel once did? Sin may be tempting, but it offers only fleeting pleasure and leaves you broken.

Jesus’ arms are open, offering safety, warmth, forgiveness, and freedom. All it takes is your first step.


God, thank you for continuing to call people back to you. Help me see where I am trying to go my own way and pull me back into your loving arms. In your name, Amen.



Our God Who Pursues: Guiding Us Back to Him

When looking around today, it is easy to wonder when justice will prevail and evil will cease. God’s Word provides a message of hope. Even in the midst of sin and hardship, God never stops pursuing us. When the people of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah continued to turn from God, He sent prophets to call the people back to a relationship with Him. In this four-week devotional study, we’ll dig into the books of the minor prophets to see our pursuing God, who is both faithful and just.
