The Way to Follow Jesus According to the Gospel of Luke預覽

The Way to Follow Jesus According to the Gospel of Luke

24 天中的第 12 天

Day 12 - Luke 14

The Proof of Discipleship

Is being religious and exclusive in your expression of faith important to you? If you walk closely with Jesus then it’s likely the answer is no. But maybe that religious and exclusive posturing slips in when you’re not fully aware of it?

It can come out when being critical of someone whom you think is “breaking” the rules of proper Christian protocol. In reality that’s just pride which makes you the judge, prioritizing “religion” over “relationship.”

Jesus was constantly confronting this with the Pharisees and having to give lessons on humility as the true mark of Godliness. When we think more highly of ourselves than we ought, it defaults to de-valuing others. God wants us to surrender our pride and perceived positions of importance. He wants us to love others in such a way that elevates them above myself.

That will be the true sign that we are His follower and nobody and nothing is more important than loving Him by loving others regardless of the cost. If I catch myself feeling sorry for myself because of the sacrifice it takes to love and serve Jesus, then I’m not truly surrendered. I’m still living for me. If I look down on others or am disappointed with my own position in life, I’m not truly surrendered. If I place too much value and become too dependent on the things I think I can control, I’m not truly surrendered.

So, the real question is, do you fully understand that being a disciple of Jesus requires a full surrender of your whole life … body, mind, possessions, relationships, agendas and expectations? Can you honestly make that claim for yourself? If not, what will you do about it? And when?

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The Way to Follow Jesus According to the Gospel of Luke

It's pretty easy to say you are a follower of Jesus but what does that really mean? How do you know you're following Jesus the way He says you should? Luke gives detailed insights as to what Jesus requires from His true followers. Parables, stories, lessons and challenges in being an authentic follower of Jesus is what you'll discover in this 24 day walk through the Gospel of Luke. You'll have a chance to answer compelling questions at the end if each reading that will challenge and inspire you to give your all to your Lord and Savior Jesus!
