Multiplying the Gospel // Gospel X - Multiplying the Message預覽

Multiplying the Gospel // Gospel X - Multiplying the Message

7 天中的第 4 天

Mose already knew, it is about believing, about having faith.
You believe in your heart and you confess with your mouth. Those two aspects go hand in hand. At the end of this passage, already Paul made it clear: how can someone come to faith without hearing about the gospel?
The gospel can only spread if Jesus’ followers share it. Everyone who accepted Christ is also sent to share the gospel. This can be a specific calling, if you have the gift of evangelism but it is also a general calling: every follower of Jesus is sent to share the gospel in his or her setting. You are also sent.
Do you see yourself as a sent person?

How do you see your faith?
Is it a personal faith?
Do you confess your faith, i.e. do your friends, family, colleagues and neighbors know that you believe in Jesus?

Maybe this is easy and natural for you, then that is great. If you are challenged with talking open about your faith, try to take one step at a time. Do not overwhelm yourself, but set yourself a realistic goal. This might be to be open about your faith to 1 person during the next week. This does not mean that you have to tell them the whole gospel; it can mean that you just mention your faith in a conversation or situation. Don’t expect too much too fast, but get used to be open about your faith. And observe the reactions of those people. As long as you talk about yourself and of your faith without pushing it onto them, most people are very respecting and open to hear about it.

If you are already used to share your faith with others, what is your experience how they react?
What could be a next step?
People are often very open to be prayed for; or if they are interested, they might be happy to join something like an Alpha course, a setting where you can find out about the Christian faith without needing to commit to anything.

Either way, if you are just starting or already used to talk about your faith, what is your next step?

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Multiplying the Gospel // Gospel X - Multiplying the Message

Jesus left the church the vision of a movement when he challenged us to reproduce from our own Jerusalem into “Judea, Samaria and the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8). For us to see a movement, we need every Christ follower to adopt Jesus' personal mission to “seek and save the lost.” (Luke 19:10). Evangelism is core to the mission of Jesus and essential to accomplishing his vision. This plan is part of a 5 week journey around the topic of Gospel X - Multiplying the Gospel
