Saying No to Sin預覽

The Sinful Nature of Man
Before you accepted Christ, you possessed a “sinful nature”. That sinful nature was automatically given to you at birth. This became a reality after the Fall when man's spirit turned sinful. As a result, now everyone lives in sin from the beginning of his life.
You’ll immediately act according to that because you act according to your “nature”. Just as you say to a dog, “Don't bark,” and he does it anyway, so a sinner will sin even though you say, “Don't sin.” It’s your nature.
This sinful nature is something that is inside a person (Romans 7:13-17).
Paul says in the letter to Romans that we are slaves to the sin that dwells within us and that we have no power to say “no”.
In short, it is “impossible” for a sinner not to sin. There is no man in the world who has never sinned or who can withstand sin in his own strength.
Nor is there anyone exempt from that sinful nature. No man is free from sin (Romans 3:9-11). Not the pope, not the president, not your father, not you. No one.
The sinful nature defines who you are (without Jesus). Your identity without Jesus in your life is “sinner”. We don't like to hear it but that’s the reality.
It's never what God wanted, though, and that's why He gave us a way out: Jesus, the Christ. He brought redemption for the yoke of this sinful nature. He made sure that we no longer have to be slaves to sin. And that is good news for everyone!

Are you a born-again Christian? And do you still sin from time to time? You aren’t the only one. But how can you sin if you are born again? How is sinning possible if you have become a new man in Christ? Discover in this plan what old man versus new man means and why sin no longer needs to have dominion in your life.