I Love Jesus: 11-Day Devotional by Mac Powell預覽

I Love Jesus: 11-Day Devotional by Mac Powell

11 天中的第 1 天

I was a senior in high school when God changed my heart — like it was nothing.

Here’s what happened:

I was a typical teenage boy, just going through the motions. I grew up in church and learned all the Sunday school Bible verses, but my life as a Christian was pretty segmented.

I was a good Christian at church, but when I wasn’t at church, I did my own thing.

One day, someone at church suggested I read the book of Romans. I said, “Okay, great,” and didn’t think much of it.

Then one day, I picked up my Bible. I remember turning to Romans feeling a bit skeptical.

But as I started reading, something incredible happened. The Holy Spirit moved in me. He reminded me of the times I had surrendered to Jesus as a child, whether it was at church camp or one Sunday morning at church when I walked down that aisle and prayed that prayer.

Reading Romans as a senior in high school was evidence to me that God’s Word is real. It was like God was speaking directly to my heart, reassuring me of His presence and power.

From that day on, I committed to spending time in God's Word daily. It transformed my life and gave me the direction I desperately needed.

It was my own miracle — and since that moment, I’ve seen God do amazing things.

That’s the heart behind my brand new song, “Like It’s Nothing.”

The lyrics of "Like It's Nothing" are a testament to the miracles I've seen in my own life and the lives of others:

Wine out of water
Man from the dust
Bringing healing
With just a touch
Beauty from ashes
Sight for the blind
You do it like it's nothing
Time after time

Every time I sing this song, I'm reminded that the same God who performed these miracles is still at work today.

He moves mountains and brings life to dry bones. He is always up to something, performing miracle after miracle, often in ways we might overlook.

As you listen to "Like It's Nothing," my hope is that you feel the same sense of wonder and awe that I do.

From God parting the Red Seas, Elijah calling down fire from Heaven, to Jesus healing with just a touch, I truly believe these things, in some ways, still happen.

Today, let's celebrate the miracles, big and small, that God performs in our lives every day.

Maybe God provided an extra paycheck for groceries, healed a relationship, or gave you peace in a tough situation.

Or maybe He’s healing a friend with cancer or providing a new job.

God does not grow tired or weak in doing these mighty things.

I pray you’ll continue to have the kind of faith that sees God working right here, right now in your life.

I can’t wait to hear how “Like It's Nothing” resonates with you.



I Love Jesus: 11-Day Devotional by Mac Powell

Mac Powell presents an 11-day devotional plan based on his album, 'I Love Jesus'. Join Mac Powell as he shares the meaning and verses behind his record.
