Come Up Higher: A Call to Deeper Fellowship and Purpose預覽

Every Higher Calling requires tools—spiritual and practical—that equip you for effectiveness. Bezalel was filled with the Spirit of God, Wisdom, and Skill to craft the tools needed for the Tabernacle (Exodus 31:2-5). Similarly, God supplies you with the resources needed to fulfill your purpose.
Higher tools may include a deeper understanding of Scripture, a sharpening of your spiritual gifts, or even the acquisition of practical skills that enhance your effectiveness. These tools are not luxuries but necessities for excelling in the assignments God has entrusted to you.
Paul emphasized the importance of Scripture as a tool for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness so that God’s people may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Ask God to reveal the tools you need for this season and commit to refining them through practice and dedication.
THOUGHT TO PONDER: What tools or skills has God given you to fulfill your Calling? How can you refine and use them more effectively?
PRAYER: Lord, equip me with the tools I need to conduct Your Will. Help me steward them wisely for Your Glory. Amen.

When God saved us, His goal was to transform us to be like Christ in Truth and Action, which requires every Christian to grow spiritually. His Call to all believers is to rise higher in their walk of faith and deepen daily fellowship with Him. As you complete this 31-day devotional, I trust it will ignite your desire to become a child of God who brings Him true pleasure.