All Things New: Hope for a New Year預覽

All Things New: Hope for a New Year

5 天中的第 3 天

When God makes things new, He makes them better than we ever imagined!

But there’s a catch—to truly walk in that newness, we have to learn how to walk again … correctly.

Of course, this isn’t talking about ACTUAL walking—there’s no physical forward movement required. What we mean is that, when it comes to the motion of your life—the way you “walk” out what you believe—that’s where you have to learn how to walk again.

Because that old way of walking doesn’t take us anywhere other than in circles.

This is why God is making all things new—including the way we walk with Him! Because we have some bad habits to unlearn—things like selfishness, hard-heartedness, greed, impurity, and the like. Those are the steps we’ve been taking, and they’re taking us in the wrong direction.

Fortunately, we have a God who isn’t just a loving God but who is also a patient parent, who will hold our little toddler hands in His and graciously help us learn our new steps.

What are some of the “steps” you need to unlearn? Get out a pair of footwear to represent your new way of walking; as you look at it, write down some of the new ways you want to walk out your faith. Now every time you wear that pair, you’ll be reminded that God has made all things new—including the steps of your walk with Him! Let’s pray.

Jesus, thank You for being patient with the way I walk out my faith with You. Teach me to walk in Your ways and to step through this life the way You would have me do it. I trust in You and lean on You to make all things new for me. Amen.

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All Things New: Hope for a New Year

One of the core promises God gives us is that we do not have to live as our old selves—God makes us new! Explore this truth and discover the hope that comes with a new year in this five-day reading plan from Lance Lang and Hope is Alive Ministries.
