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Men of Boldness

7 天中的第 1 天

Second Chances

There’s something great about a comeback story.

Christians especially should champion the “second chance.” The idea that no matter where you have been or what you have done, you can move forward in a positive manner. It is fundamental to the Christian experience.

Men, we all know how many second chances we have had. Some are big and some small, but it’s always good to know we get to try again.

The prophet Elijah got a second chance. And he needed one. We remember Elijah from the previous book of 1 Kings—especially his confrontation with the prophets of Ba’al when he implored God to send down fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice drenched with water…which God did! (Read that incredible story in 1 Kings 18:1-46.)

Ironically, immediately after this mountain-top experience of God’s presence and power, Elijah crashed into a valley of despair. Elijah, threatened by the faithless king and queen (Ahab and Jezebel), flees for his life. His fear and flight caused him to lament that he was no better than his ancestors and that he would be better off if God simply took his life. (Read that account in 1 Kings 19:1-21.)

Elijah was one of the key figures in Israel in the years of the divided kingdom. His ministry spans the end of 1 Kings and into 2 Kings (they were one book when originally written). His up-and-down life mirrors the ups and downs Israel experienced in her relationship with God.

But Elijah’s despair is not the end of his story. Though he had already found his ministry replacement in Elisha (at God’s instruction), we encounter Elijah again at the beginning of 2 Kings.

In a scene that eerily resembles the confrontation with Ba’al’s prophets back in 1 Kings 18, Elijah is once again calling down fire from heaven. These heavenly flames are both punishment for a mocking group of soldiers and confirmation of Elijah’s restoration.

His doubt and fear in 1 Kings 19 have been reforged into fire-calling faith in 2 Kings 1.

Men, no matter how high on the mountain we are or how far we may have fallen, our story is not done until God says it’s over. He can bring us back from the shadows of despair and back to being “[men] of God.”

This week, we will review the book of 2 Kings and learn about what it means to be men who boldly follow after God.

Prayer: God who brings the fire of cleansing and purification, sometimes like Elijah – my faith falters. Thank You that my lows do not need to be the end of my story. Thank You that You restore me to move forward as a man of God. Amen.

Reflection: When has your faith faltered? How has God proved His faithfulness to you in those times? How do you move forward when you know you have fallen short?

計畫天: 2


Men of Boldness

The Book of 2 Kings is a story of a nation struggling to be faithful to a good God and the consequences of that struggle. Amid the land's idolatry, bold men rose up to call out evil and call the nation back to God. In this week of devotionals, we will look at these men and learn from their boldness as we do an overview of the Book of 2 Kings. Written by J.R. Hudberg
