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Church & Students

21 天中的第 10 天

Have you ever felt like the odds are stacked against you? That’s certainly what it must have looked like for Peter and John as they were dragged off to prison. Two men surrounded by all the priests, all the Sadducees and the captain of the temple guard. But, in the midst of what looked like defeat, as they were questioned by the rulers, elders and teachers, Peter revealed their secret weapon: the name of Jesus.

At this point, the church was tiny. But it was growing. At last count, two chapters before this, there were around 3000 believers (Acts 2:41). Here, we are told that this had grown to 5000. Through the power of the name of Jesus, lives are transformed and the church of Christ is being built. Amidst doubt and attack, Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and preached Jesus as the only means of salvation.

Note that Peter and John are described as “unschooled, ordinary men” in verse 13. This is such an encouragement for us! When we feel unprepared, ill-equipped, or under pressure, we too can invite the Holy Spirit to fill us with boldness to preach the gospel, even in the hardest of places. We can build our lives on the powerful foundation of Jesus; when we make Him our cornerstone, we, like Peter and John, are operating under His authority and are wielding His power.

Questions: Are you aware of this power in you? How are you using it? Where can you use the power of the name of Jesus to build His church?
Prayer: God, fill me with your spirit to speak the name of Jesus into every situation. Help me to build my life on his cornerstone.
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Church & Students

We are in the grip of a slow awakening in the student world as we continue to hear story after story of students coming to know Jesus. This is a story that hasn’t just begun now, it's been unfolding across generations, prayers of those who have sown in tears that God would move powerfully in this nation and the next generation; we are standing on the answered prayers of those faithful intercessors.
