Learning to Listen…to God & to Others預覽

Stop That Babbling
In one of the Bible’s most glorious and mysterious moments, Jesus takes James, John, and Peter up in the mountains. Before their very eyes, Jesus is transfigured.Then Moses and Elijah show up and start having a conversation with Jesus. Wow…I would be listening to every word.
But not Peter. While Moses and Elijah are talking to Jesus, Peter butts in and answers for Jesus and suggests they build a dwelling and just stay there. What was he thinking? Luke (9:33) adds this description to Peter’s ramblings, “He did not know what he was saying."
Now, the scene takes a seismic shift.
While he was going on like this, babbling, a light-radiant cloud enveloped them, and sounding from deep in the cloud a voice: “This is my Son, marked by my love, focus of my delight. Listen to him.” (Matt. 17:5, MSG). God shows up in a cloud, surrounds them all, interrupts Peter, and summarily says, stop talking and listen to My Son!
Peter was guilty of “jumping in." You know what I mean. You are talking with someone or are in a group, and before your lips can stop moving, a person parachutes in and hijacks the conversation. What is it about us that when we are conversing with other people, our minds are running, contemplating a response?When we do this, we are making life all about us. Let me be blunt; we need to stop running our mouths if we are ever going to start really listening.
Here’s the deal: You will never be able to hear the Lord or get to know Him intimately as long as you are talking.That also applies to your relationships with others. When applied to your daily life, this truth will transform your interactions with God and with others: You never get to know someone by talking about yourself! Stop talking about yourself to others.
James wanted us to connect the dots between our mouth and the words that cross our tongue…and our heart. You will never be a good listener until your heart can be turned outward (towards others) by the power of the Holy Spirit, and you can begin to hold your tongue.

Listening! It’s not always easy, is it? But, listening is an act of love and compassion. It is also crucial in our relationships with the Lord and with others. In this five-day devotional, Tim Cameron reveals the importance of listening, offers tips on being a better listener, and teaches how stillness and listening with understanding will lead us to truly hearing the voice of the Father. If we miss His voice, we miss everything!