12 Days of Christmas預覽

12 Days of Christmas

13 天中的第 5 天

Four Calling Birds: The Gift of God’s Persistent Invitation

“Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! … Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good.” – Isaiah 55:1-2 (ESV)

On the fourth day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree

Each of these gifts reveals deeper layers of God’s heart, and this fourth gift — four calling birds — points to His persistent call to relationship. In the unfolding story of these gifts, we’ve glimpsed God’s justice, His covenant, and His mothering love. Now, God’s calling is brought to the forefront, and these calling birds symbolize His voice through four specific roles in the Old Testament: Judges, Priests, Kings, and Prophets.

Throughout Scripture, we see that God has always used various “voices” to call His people to Himself. From judges like Gideon, who directed Israel back to God as their true ruler (Judges 8:23), to priests like Phinehas, whose bold actions led Israel toward righteousness (Numbers 25:6-8), God’s calling was ever-present. Kings, too, were tasked to lead the people in devotion to God, as Solomon did when he dedicated the Temple (1 Kings 8:22-61). Finally, prophets like Isaiah urged the people to turn to God, reminding them that in Him they would find mercy, fulfillment, and salvation (Isaiah 55:1-2).

These roles represent God’s unwavering call for His people to return to Him, to experience His guidance, forgiveness, and protection. This call was not just for Israel; it echoed through history and reaches us even today. Jesus Himself embodied this call when He walked among us, and He continues to call us through His Spirit, urging us to respond to His grace, guidance, and redemption.

As Titus 2:11-12 teaches, God’s grace invites us to live “responsible, honourable, and God-fearing lives.” His call is a reminder that, just as He reached out through judges, priests, kings, and prophets, He still reaches out to each of us now. God is calling, whether for salvation, for a step of faith, or to begin a new season in obedience. His call awaits your response.

Over to You:

  • Consider how God might be calling you today. Is there a step of faith or an area of obedience you sense Him inviting you toward?
  • Reflect on how He has called people to Himself throughout history and ask Him to give you grace to respond fully to His call and extend His call to others.

Further Scripture References:

  • Judges 8:23; Numbers 25:6-8; 1 Kings 8:22-61; Isaiah 55:6

Lord, thank You for calling us to Yourself. Help us to hear Your voice clearly and give us the courage to respond with faith and obedience. May Your grace empower us to live lives that honor You. Draw us closer, Lord, and let our hearts be ever open to Your call. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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12 Days of Christmas

This thirteen-day devotional profoundly explores the timeless message embedded within a beloved Christmas carol. By blending biblical wisdom with cultural proverbs and heartfelt prayer, each day invites you to experience a renewed appreciation for the season and a deeper connection with the "True Love" who gives us the gift of Himself.
