Heroes of the Faith, Part 4預覽

Heroes of the Faith, Part 4

4 天中的第 4 天

God Values You

Bible story: Jephthah - Judges 10:6-11:13, ll:29-40

Theme verse: Job 36:5

Think for a minute about the different things people value, the different things that show a person’s status in life. What things does the world say make a person more important? The world is always telling us to look at wealth, abilities, talents, family backgrounds, skin color, hair, clothes, and even perfect teeth! The world values people differently according to those things, giving more status to some people and less to others. But these are not the things that God looks at. What do you think God looks at?

Let’s look at today’s Bible story. Again, the Israelites sinned by worshiping other gods besides the one true God. Then the Philistines and Ammonites oppressed them for 18 years. They asked God to save them, and they got rid of all the foreign gods in the land.

God answered their prayers and sent someone to save them. What kind of man could save Israel? You would think that the man would be a warrior of great status and loved and respected by all the people… but God chose a man named Jephthah, the son of a prostitute. The world thought he was unimportant, teased him, and his brothers even drove him away because of who his mother was. It was unfair – he was mistreated for something he didn’t even do!

Jesus Christ knows how that feels, too. The leaders of the Jews mocked, insulted, and killed Jesus even though He did nothing wrong. What does God look at? The Bible says that God does not look at outward appearance as the world does. God looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).

Jesus said that it is no good if a person gains the whole world (status, riches, importance, etc.) but loses his soul. (Matthew 16:26) Your soul is worth more than the whole world! When Jesus died, He did it for you because He values you that much. No worldly status can add or subtract from how much God values you. Each person you see is also worth more than the whole world.

In today’s Bible story, God changed the hearts of the people. When they were in trouble, they went to Jephthah whom they had driven away, and asked him for help. He led the people to victory and was Israel’s leader for 6 years.

I know that God’s opinion is the most important. I know that that God values me.


1. What cases of discrimination have you seen?

2. When I see discrimination, should I get involved?

Life application:

How do you see yourself? Be careful not to compare yourself with others. If you feel of low value, remember that God made you just the way you are and that He values you and loves you. If you feel proud, remember that your trust is in Jesus, not in yourself. Each day, say out loud, “I belong to Jesus, and He values and loves me.”

Want more?

This reading plan is taken from Equip & Grow's children's curriculum, learning how God's heroes stood for their faith. Enjoy this plan at home, and then do the full curriculum at church with student books, games, crafts, songs, decorations, and more!




Heroes of the Faith, Part 4

How can the heroes of the Bible inspire us to greatness? Join us in this four-day reading plan as Kristi Krauss motivates us with Ehud's cleverness, Deborah's leadership, Gideon's bravery, and Jephthah's self-esteem. Don't be surprised if these testimonies transform your life.
