The God Story預覽

The God Story

18 天中的第 3 天

Seed of Promise

Father God, what I know of You will only ever be a fraction of who You are. Jesus, open my mind to see You and understand the Scriptures. Spirit, move my heart from familiar to fascinated until it is set ablaze with Your unfailing love.

Read: Psalm 2:7-8

The first eleven chapters of Genesis tell the story of how humankind moved further and further east from Eden, away from the presence of God. Humanity could not be trusted to rule over creation, so God dispersed the nations to go their separate ways. But God had a plan. A plan to use one man, called Abram, to bless all nations. God had asked Abram to leave everything he knew and trust God to make him a Father of a nation. Abram had obeyed but was staring a cold reality in the face - he had no son...

Read: Genesis 15:1-6

God had declared a great promise over Abram. Ten years later, however, Abram still has no heir, and he is not getting any younger! I can only imagine Abram’s levels of doubt and confusion. Yet God is teaching Abram in the waiting. God cannot allow Abram to fully realise the promise before he has come to a place of full dependency on God's presence. God wants Abram to know His faithful presence will always exceed anything He will promise Abram. God alone is Abram’s reward.

Father, forgive me for the times I have allowed my relationship with You to become transactional, seeking to ‘cash in’ on Your promises rather than simply rejoice in Your presence. Grant me revelation today to grasp the stunning truth that, before You give me Your promises, You desire to give me Yourself.

Pause and pray

I think of someone I know currently stuck in the disappointment of what seems like God’s unfulfilled promises in their lives.

Father God, reveal Your presence to them in such a way they will know that You and You alone are more than enough for them.

Pause and pray

I imagine Abram’s disappointed heart suddenly beginning to beat again as he looked up to see his destiny written in the myriad of stars lighting up the night sky. Abram is reminded that God has not forgotten him. The One who spoke the universe into being, calling each star by name, is expanding Abram’s heart to carry God’s dream for the world. Bewildered, Abram surrenders and offers up his trust to God: ‘Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.’

Lord, even though I cannot see the plans You have for my life or how they will be worked out, I choose to believe they are more audacious than I can imagine. Help me trust that Your plans are for my greatest good and Your ultimate glory.


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The God Story

This 18-day plan sweeps through the compelling and creative biblical story. It will help you move from familiar to fascinated with God and His word. Each day, we focus on a particular individual who encountered the unfailing love of God.
