The God Story預覽

The God Story

18 天中的第 13 天

Heartbroken Mary

Father God, what I know of You will only ever be a fraction of who You are. Jesus, open my mind to see You and understand the Scriptures. Spirit, move my heart from familiar to fascinated until it is ablaze with Your unfailing love.

Read: Psalm 34:17-18

Today I’m reflecting on Jesus’ resurrection, three days after His suffering and crucifixion. This opens up a brand-new chapter in God’s unfolding story and the beginning of a new creation. His first appearance was to a heartbroken woman and gives a stunning look into God’s unfailing love…

Read: John 20:11-18

Alone, weeping, heartbroken, Mary stands re-traumatised before an empty grave. Having already lost the one she loves, now even Jesus’ body is missing. Humbly disguised as a gardener, the Resurrection comes asking questions, ‘Why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?’

I am often unaware of the real reason my heart is in pain and what I turn to in the midst of it. What would happen if I slowed down to pay attention to my heart and contemplate Jesus’ questions?

Where am I hurting? Am I looking to Jesus or something else to meet me in my pain?

Pause and pray

Jesus, bring to mind someone who is heartbroken or hurting today. I ask that You would meet them in their pain and remind them of Your nearness.

Pause and pray

The gardener calls her by name, ‘Mary’. The familiar cadence of His voice awakens the recognition of who is speaking. His presence calls something deep inside her back to life. Heartbroken Mary will love again. A woman once defined by brokenness and torment becomes the first witness of Jesus’ resurrection, an embodied messenger of new creation.

No one can say my name like Jesus. Only He can take what’s broken in me and make it new.

Resurrected Jesus, I want to hear You say my name again. Remind me of who I am to You in the midst of my pain. I surrender to the new creation story only You can write in and through my life. Send me like Mary, carrying the good news to the world.


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The God Story

This 18-day plan sweeps through the compelling and creative biblical story. It will help you move from familiar to fascinated with God and His word. Each day, we focus on a particular individual who encountered the unfailing love of God.
