Glory: Coach預覽

Reflecting Glory - Part 2
“We all with unveiled faces, are looking as in a mirror at [or are reflecting] the glory of the Lord and are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory; this is from the Lord who is the Spirit.” –2 Corinthians 3:18.
The experience of watching a competitor transform is extremely gratifying. As knowledge of the game, skill and resilience grow for two or three seasons. Their confidence, performance, and production for the team or individual sport can grow tremendously. As athletes continue to develop, they also grow in reflecting the identity of you and your program, your values, and your culture. In a sense, that’s the kind of transformation Paul is referring to. As we behold God and His glory in Christ, we are changed by the power of the Spirit more and more to be in the image of God in Christ, to embody our true kingdom identity, representing its values and culture wherever we go, which in turn brings glory to God—from glory to glory.
Read 2 Corinthians 3:12-18
As we read these verses with identity, values, and culture in mind, two words come to the fore: boldness (v. 12) and freedom (v. 17). Both attributes are available to the Christ-follower as we are transformed into His image. In verse 12, the source of boldness is the enduring hope that flows from the surpassing glory of the Spirit’s ministry in the New Covenant (vv. 7–11). The source of freedom is God’s presence in the Spirit: “The Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (v. 17).” Boldness here does not carry a sense of brashness or harshness; even regarding those who oppose us, we are to be gentle (2 Timothy 2:24-26). This boldness is a godly confidence to speak openly, plainly, and joyfully about what God has done for us and in us through Christ. Freedom is not the ability to do whatever you would like according to your thoughts or desires; this freedom is liberty, a release from bondage to sin and the law. It is liberty from captivity for a new life with God.
- Would you consider yourself bold? What does that look like in your coaching?
- What would being completely free to coach and compete look like for you?
Imagine a group of people who cultivate a culture of bold freedom to live for righteousness, justice, beauty, and peace, full of hope and joy, despite their circumstances, all fueled by life together in the presence of the living God for His glory. Imagine what sport and competition would look like if coaches, athletes, and parents who follow Jesus would lean into cultivating this kind of Spirit-filled community, where glorying God weren’t words voiced at the end of a press conference (usually only after a win) but a loving, earnest attempt to be with God and to compete like God throughout the entirety of the sport experience.
- What are the means (the disciplines) where you encounter God and are transformed by Him?
- How can you glorify God in every area of your coaching?
The themes of God’s presence, His glory and our transformation are tightly interwoven in this section, which should not surprise us. These interlocking themes repeatedly appear throughout the biblical narrative, as we discovered in our previous lessons. As we gaze into God’s glory in Christ (looking as in a mirror) through the Spirit, we will be transformed into that very image. That’s the hope of the gospel! Cultivating time, especially corporate time (notice Paul’s continued use of the second person plural, “we”) in God’s presence, when we are with him, we will become as he is; we will reflect and project His love, goodness, righteousness, justice, and peace into the spaces and places we inhabit. This is profoundly good news for our staff, competitors, parents, officials, administrators and the list goes on and on.
Reflecting His Freedom: In Christ and by the Spirit we are freed from bondage to sin and freed for a fruitful life of serving God and His purposes.
Reflecting His Image: Spending time in the presence of God both individually and corporately results in us becoming more God, in word and deed.

As a coach, you've likely striven for success but noticed that you lack the ability to live up to the expectations placed on you. On this 8-day journey, see how God can do more with your surrender than your performance. Learn how who you are and your purpose both stem from God as you reflect His glory while seeking His Kingdom first.