What Is the Church?預覽

The Church Is Jesus’ Idea
Many men are disillusioned with the Church. Others fail to see its point when there are so many other things in life to take up our time.
However, the Church is not optional for a man who claims or desires to follow Jesus. This week, we will examine what the Bible says the Church is and why it should be a core part of the Christian life.
In my lifetime, I have experienced many disappointments and frustrations regarding Church. Even though I am a pastor, I have often thought that my life could be much easier if there were no need for the Church. As much as I feel this way, the one reality I cannot escape is that the Church is Jesus’ idea.
In Matthew 16, Jesus takes His disciples to Caesarea Philippi, where worship of false gods was running rampant, and temple prostitutes were normal. This location was home to what people called “the gates of hell.” This was believed to be a gateway to the underworld, where people would come and worship their false gods. This entire area was perhaps the most spiritually dark place in Israel at the time of Jesus.
In this environment, Jesus declares, “I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” He goes straight to the “gates of hell” of His time and declares they are no match for what He is building.
The Church is Jesus’ idea and His building project.
Have you ever seen a new building being built and wondered what it will be? As an outsider, you don’t get to tell the builder what or how to build. The builders are the experts. Instead, you and I get to witness what is being built. We get to enjoy, experience, and even participate in what happens there.
You may not like the Church or wonder what it is becoming. But you must remember that you are not the builder—Jesus is.
As we look at God’s Word this week, we will discover more about what Jesus is building and why it matters.
Prayer: God, help me see the Church through the eyes of Jesus this week. Change me into a man who values and celebrates what You are building. Amen.
Reflection: What words would describe your thoughts or emotions regarding the Church?

Jesus is building His Church - an organization that does not belong to any man. But what exactly is the Church all about? As we look at God’s Word this week, we will discover more about what Jesus is building and why it matters! Written by Kirk Giles.