Advent: A 25-Day Countdown to Christmas預覽

3 Practical Ways to Find Hope
In the Bible, hope is the wholehearted, evidence-based conviction that God is making the future better than the past or present.
Hope isn’t a vague positivity or a naive optimism. Instead, true hope acknowledges the pain, problems, and dysfunctions of our world. Hope knows the worst life has to offer yet still believes God can and will create a better future.
Hope is like a lighthouse on a dark, stormy night. It doesn’t make the waves go away, but it does offer you direction and a reason to keep going.
The Bible has quite a few stories about light and darkness. Early in the Bible, God leads His people through the wilderness using a pillar of fire at night and a pillar of smoke during the day. These people had been slaves, and now they were walking across a barren desert. Yet they could have hope because they knew God was leading them to a new and better future.
But what about today? We don’t have divine pillars of smoke or fire to follow when we’re low on hope. So where do we look to find hope?
1. We find hope in friends.
When we’re feeling hopeless, we can turn to trusted people who can lend us their hope. So if you’re searching for hope, include others. Their words, stories, and guidance could be exactly what you need to renew your confidence in God’s plan.
2. We find hope in our stories.
Look back to who you were before you knew Jesus. What’s different about you? How do you live, think, and act differently? Avoid letting exceptionally bad days define your journey with Jesus. Instead, try to see the big picture. Reflecting on God’s work in your past can give you hope for your future.
3. We find hope in God’s story.
The Christmas story is one of the main events in God’s big story. In the story, we see Jesus, who is God, choose vulnerability and humility to show us His love. So when you feel hopeless about the direction of the world or the direction of your life, remember that God will do whatever it takes to make all things new.
Of course, none of these three ways to find hope are quite as dramatic as a divine pillar of fire, but they can serve the same purpose. They remind us God is present, even when life is hard. And they help us keep moving forward with confidence, no matter what storms we’re facing.
When we cling to others, reflect on our stories, and explore Scripture, we can expect to find hope. But hope can also come from unexpected places. So keep your eyes open for hopeful moments all around you.
Pause and Pray:
Lord, please be a light to me as You were to Your people in the wilderness. Thank You for dying for me while I was still a sinner so I could be united with You. Help me to set my hope on You. In Your name, amen.
Reflect or Discuss:
What is a way God has worked in my life? How is He working now? How do I hope He works in the future?

Advent is a church tradition to help believers across the globe prepare their hearts for the arrival of Jesus. Over four weeks, we’ll look at themes of hope, peace, joy, and love in the biblical narrative leading up to Jesus’ birth, and how these themes can be applied to our Christmas season this year.