Christ: The Treasure of Our Hearts預覽

Christ: The Treasure of Our Hearts

24 天中的第 13 天

The Advent season is a wonderful time of expectation and celebration. Churches host beautiful services, Christmas music is played at stores, and for Christians, there is added significance to the season beyond the exchanging of gifts and the beautiful lights. Christmas is a celebration of joy that has come to the world in Jesus Christ. Yet, during this celebratory time of the year, pain and suffering are realities many people are experiencing. While Christians are celebrating the coming of the Prince of Peace, many people are searching for peace.

The beauty of the Gospel is it teaches that peace is a benefit of the Christian’s position in Christ. When a person is out of Christ, there is hostility between them and God, not because God does not love them, but because of their sin. Sin separates a person from God, which causes a lack of peace in that person’s life. The person outside of Christ wonders if there is a God, if there is purpose in life, and these thoughts lead to increased anxiety and uncertainty. For the person in Christ, their narrative for life is entirely different. Because they have surrendered their life to the Lordship of Christ, they now have access to the Father. The redeeming work of Christ has bridged the chasm of separation, and the Christian has peace with God. As a result of their position in Christ, they not only have peace with God, but they can have peace in this world because they know they belong to Christ regardless of their circumstances in this life. There is nothing this world can do to them to take them out of their position in Christ, and this certainty produces peace and contentment in their life.

Praise be to God that peace has come in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Though the earth may shake, every person who puts their trust in Christ lives on a firm foundation, and this foundation makes possible a life of peace.


Father, thank you for peace made available through your Son, Jesus. You know the uncertainty of this world and the pain that is all around. May your peace take residence in our lives this Advent season, and for those who have yet to experience the wonderful peace that is found in Jesus, draw them unto yourself. Thank you for the certainty we have in you. Amen.

Joshua Nangle, D.Min. serves as director of operations for the Regent University School of Divinity.

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Christ: The Treasure of Our Hearts

Christ: The Treasure of Our Hearts is an Advent devotional that explores how Christ's hope, peace, joy, and love can be our heart's greatest treasure. Follow along with the Regent University School of Divinity this Advent season as we, like Mary, the mother of Jesus, treasure the deep truths of God's Word and ponder them in our hearts.
