Consecration for Men: 5 Days of Prayer and Fasting預覽

Consecration for Men: 5 Days of Prayer and Fasting

5 天中的第 2 天


Stay focused.

Definition: Focus is the center of attention.

God tells Moses to send spies to the land of Canaan that He is giving them. Two of the twelve spies, Joshua and Caleb, returned with a report of faith. The other ten spies returned with a bad report of fear based on how large the inhabitants were.

God appears to Moses in the tent of meeting and questions the “disbelief” of the people who gave the bad report. God ties “belief” to the “focus” of the reporters. The ten focused on giants and obstacles and walked in disbelief. The two focused on the promise of God and the history of His power and walked in belief.

As a result, those who disbelieved were not permitted to see the promised land. While Joshua and Caleb were permitted to enter and inherit the promised land. What we focus on is revealed by that which we give attention to. Who and what we give attention to reveals what we believe.

What’s At Stake?

When we shift our focus away from God:

  • We disqualify ourselves from accessing the promises of God.
  • We stunt or prevent our own spiritual growth.
  • We remain bound by demonic spirits (e.g., fear, lust, anxiety).

Results of Focus

Overcome (1 Corinthians 10:13)

Empowerment (Philippians 4:13)

Secure (Isaiah 41:10)

Momentum (Hebrew 12:1-2)

Provisions (Matthew 6:33)

Life (Proverbs 4:20-27)

Discernment (1 Peter 5:8)

Mercy (Psalm 123:2)

Favor (Proverbs 3:6)


Questions for God:

  • What are the distractions in my life?
  • What do you want me to focus on more?

Questions for others:

  • On a scale of 1-10, how focused do I seem in life?
  • Would you consider me a focused person? Why or why not?


  1. Identify and start a bible reading plan today.
  2. Remove things that are taking your focus away from God, and tell someone today what those things are.


  • Lord, I choose to give You my full attention. Expose any distractions in my life. Increase my spiritual sensitivity. Give me eyes to see what You see. Amen.
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Consecration for Men: 5 Days of Prayer and Fasting

We are calling all men to 5 Days of Consecration. This is a time for men to band together in this call to consecration. Our world needs a “set apart” band of brothers to spiritually lift and spiritually lead. The time is now for sons, fathers, brothers and leaders to be a holiness company, unmixed from things of the world. Consecration is a choice. It is time we choose to be consecrated.
