
Day Eleven: Fix It Again Tony
The law is like having a car that's broken and you keep on taking it to a mechanic and then you drive it for a week and it breaks down, and you take it back to a mechanic and you drive it for a week and it breaks down and you take it back to a mechanic…
It's like having a Fiat from the 70s. My dad used to call them Fix It Again Tony. It's a great little acronym. Fix It Again Tony. This is an Italian piece of junk because this thing's clearly not fixed. If you keep on driving something for a week and then you take it to a garage, clearly the problem's not getting fixed. So when you are continually offering sacrifices over and over and over again, the problem is not being fixed. You hear me? That's what was happening here in the OT.
But then Jesus steps in, and He’s not just another mechanic. He’s the one who completely overhauls the system. His sacrifice doesn’t just cover sin temporarily, it eradicates it. The preacher of Hebrews makes it clear that Jesus’ sacrifice is the ultimate solution—one perfect sacrifice that covers everything, once and for all. Jesus is the better Adam, whose side was pierced to bring the church to life. Just like Eve was brought to life from Adam's side, the church comes alive because of Jesus' sacrifice. It's not just a covering, it’s a resurrection.
Jesus’ sacrifice is so complete, so perfect, that the need for those old sacrifices is gone. Our faith isn’t a Fix It Again Tony. The author says it straight up—there’s no more offering for sin needed. Jesus’ one-time sacrifice is enough for all time. So why go back to a system that doesn’t work? It’s like trying to drive a car that’s perpetually broken when you’ve been given a brand new one that never fails.
The author encourages us to draw near to God with confidence because of what Jesus has done. It’s like getting an invite to a wedding where you’re not just a guest, you’re family. You belong there, and you should walk in with your head held high. The invitation has been sent, the price has been paid, and now it’s time to live like you belong. Jesus didn’t just open the door to the party—He made sure you had the best seat at the table.

Jesus is the perfect High Priest, who offered Himself as the ultimate sacrifice, transcending the Levitical system. This plan by Nathan Finochio works through the book of Hebrews, highlighting key themes like discipline, identity, and trust in God's promises. May it encourage you with practical application of faith and invite you to deepen your faith, keeping your eyes fixed on Jesus, our unwavering anchor.