Spiritual Warfare預覽

Spiritual Warfare

7 天中的第 3 天

The Enemy Unmasked

The classic TV cartoon Scooby Doo followed a standard formula. At the end of the episode, a ghost or monster that had been causing trouble was captured and unveiled. It turns out the culprit was always a human in disguise, not a real ghoul. Watching as a kid, I wasn’t happy until the villain was unmasked and revealed for who they really were.

That’s what the Bible does for us, too.

The book of Revelation is intended to pull back the veil between Heaven and earth and show us what’s really happening on earth from the perspective of Heaven.

It reveals Satan as the ultimate deceiver and adversary who plays a big role in organizing the forces of evil against humanity (Revelation 12:9).

Revelation pictures history as an ongoing spiritual battle between God’s people and spiritual forces of evil.

In other words: Guys, you are at war.

And the spiritual forces of evil are against you! Revelation reveals our enemy for who he really is.

But Revelation also has an important message for us: stand firm. It tells us that Satan is defeated in the end, God wins, He will save His people, and He will remake the world. In the meantime, we stay faithful and endure, even when it’s hard (Revelation 14:12).

We have an unseen enemy who affects our lives, but he’s already lost—so we can stand firm.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for unmasking and defeating our enemy. Help me to stand firm in Your strength. Amen.

Reflection: Where do you see the unseen spiritual battle in the world around you?

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Spiritual Warfare

In this devotional for men, we’re going to look at what the Bible teaches about spiritual warfare. You may be surprised! But we trust the Bible’s teaching prepares and encourages us as men as we face the reality of spiritual warfare in our lives. Written by Darryl Dash of Grace Fellowship Church.
