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Man vs. Fear預覽

Man vs. Fear

7 天中的第 7 天

Fear vs. Faith

What is the opposite of fear?

The usual answer is something along the lines of courage, right? Or boldness? Confidence? Calmness?

They all seem to work.

Nevertheless, for Christians, the opposite of fear is faith.

Faith is the opposite of fear because a posture of faith unites us with God, and once you allow God into the equation, He empowers you to be bold.

When men experience fear, the typical options are fight, flight, or freeze. Imagine yourself hiking and stumbling across a charging cougar. You could fight, turn tail and run, or be paralyzed with fear.

The fourth alternative is another “f” word: “faith.” You pray, and you pray hard. You trust that God will help you and is with you no matter the outcome.

The context for today’s passage is that Christians were enduring persecution because of their beliefs. The author reminds them of how, in the past, they had endured suffering, handled persecution, and been imprisoned with their property confiscated (Hebrews 10:32-34). The passage encourages them to persevere and be rewarded by God (Hebrews 10:35-37).

In today’s verse, there is a dichotomy set up between how God’s people will “live by faith” versus a person who “shrinks back,” evoking the idea of one who is afraid. God desires that His people live by faith when undergoing such trials. This message is essentially repeated in v. 39: “But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.”

Shrinking back, or retreating in fear, is presented as the opposite of faith.

I can’t possibly know the trials you are facing. But I urge you to choose faith in Jesus Christ, and your fears—real as they are—will pale in His holy and glorious presence.

The writer of Hebrews elaborates further on faith in the next chapter; Hebrews 11:1-40 catalogs the great faith heroes of Scripture. They were regular human beings who faced very real trials and fears but followed God in faith.

There’s no reason we can’t follow in their footsteps of faith, too.

Prayer: Lord, I pray Mark 9:24: “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief.” Help me to focus more on You than on my fears and predicaments. I look to You to empower me by Your Holy Spirit so I can live each day by faith. Amen.

Reflection: In the past, do you recall instances when your faith in God helped you to overcome fear? What are some of those pressing fears today? How does your faith in the living God prevail over these fears?

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