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Did God Reject My Prayer: When God Says No. 預覽

Did God Reject My Prayer: When God Says No.

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Saying yes to Jesus is the best thing that can ever happen to anyone. When we say YES, we reject everlasting damnation and accept eternity with Jesus. There is no greater feeling!

Once we have accepted this rebirth into Christianity, it is important to know that we must be renewed and refined. The scales that we have lived with all our life must fall off. The veil that has kept us in sin and deception must be removed from our eyes. This processing is called refining. The change is not sudden but gradual. As we come to know Christ we come to know who we truly are because our identity is found in Him.

When we give ourselves over to deep studying of The Word, we begin to experience a “Holy Spirit Raid.” Yes, I said a “Holy Spirit Raid.” What is that you might ask? A Holy Spirit Raid is when the things you use to desire that gratify the flesh become repulsive to you. The Holy Spirit begins to convict us and the flesh and the spirit go into battle. Ultimately, if we allow God to refine us we will choose to satisfy the spirit instead of the flesh. This is the refining process and it requires discipline, prayer, and consistency. Let’s explore:

Paul had a moment when he wanted the Lord to remove the thorn from his side. The Bible never tells us what the thorn was, but we know that he consistently fought with this thorn. The pain was unbearable for him. The pain was an opposition to his flesh so much so that he wanted it to go.

I know that we can all relate to this type of pain, we can look at our lives and pick something that we could pray away but for some reason, God continues to say no. Let me be the bearer of good news; the thorn has a purpose.

  1. The thorn serves as a form of discipline. It grounds us and keeps us dependent on God. Without the thorn, we would forget about our desperate need for God. The thorn reminds us that we need Him.
  2. The thorn refines our character. When Paul asked the Lord to take the thorn out of his flesh, God responded and said “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness”. God wanted Paul to see God’s perfection in his (Paul’s) imperfection, this can only be evident when we realize that we are weak without Him. This process shifts the focus from relief to reliance on God's divine strength. It shapes and refines our character to look more like Christ.
  3. The thorn keeps us humble. It reminds us of our humanity and our need for the Father. This humility guards against pride and self-reliance. As believers, we need to be constantly reminded that we are because He is. All that we are is a result of His grace in our lives. Our abilities and strength cannot sustain what we go through in life. His grace keeps us afloat. His grace is not just sufficient, it is perfect.
  4. The thorn refines our level of endurance. The truth is, we never truly know how much we can endure until life throws itself at us. Paul had to continue ministry with the thorn in his side, he faced challenges while enduring. There was no relief from the thorn but there was perfection in his weakness. As a result, Paul learned to keep His eye on the Father and not the thorn. The process of endurance refined his character and deepened his faith, making him more resilient in the face of trials.

When we come to know Christ, He changes us from the inside out. He exposes areas in our lives:

Action Steps for Growth:

  1. Daily Surrender: surrender your thoughts to the Lord this morning. Ask Him to define your character and to reshape you.
  2. Study God’s Word: Dedicate time today to Study God’s Word. This is your intimate time with the Lord. Be open and share your heart with Him after studying and meditating on His Word.
  3. Fast For Breakthrough: Consider fasting from distractions that hinder spiritual growth, focusing on hearing from God.
  4. Endure Through Prayer: Practice praying during moments of frustration or pain. Seek God’s strength and ask for endurance instead of looking for relief.
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Did God Reject My Prayer: When God Says No.

Did God Reject My Prayer is a guide for believers navigating difficult moments when God doesn't answer prayers as expected. The devotional explores how God's "no" is not a form of rejection but rather a redirection, refining, revelation, and repositioning toward His greater purpose. This devotional is designed to provide comfort, strength, and a deeper understanding of God's will in the midst of disappointment.
