Daily Nuggets of Grace Part 3 Innocent!預覽

Daily Nuggets of Grace Part 3 Innocent!

7 天中的第 5 天

God's Love: The Perfect Motivator!

I took the college class "The Psychology of Motivation” hoping to find the key to understanding and influencing others. I was sadly disappointed. I distinctly remember dividing into small groups to dissect a calf's hypothalamus. You guessed it: we did not find the secret key. (The cow was also less than happy. Had he known his fate, he would have jumped the fence!)

In contemplating how we motivate ourselves and others, it is vital to distinguish between the voice of God and the voice of the enemy.

The devil distracts us with temptation. Once we trip and fall, our nose in the dirt, the tempter becomes a vicious accuser. Beginning his accusations with “I”, he confuses us into thinking we are just talking to ourselves: "I'm hopeless; I’m a failure" often throwing in a label to boot: "Loser!" while pushing our nose further into the sand.

On the other hand, God's voice is gentle and kind, not accusatory. Like the caring shepherd He is, He misses us when we’ve wandered off so He initiates a hunt to find us, kindly calling us home. "There you are, my little lamb!" He tenderly picks us up, attends to our wounds, cleans us off, and welcomes us back into the fold.

When He disciplines, He names the specific offense while extending grace. Restoration is His goal. He doesn’t attack our character. He affirms our identity.

Love truly is the perfect motivator!

There it is, the KEY! If only I had known in college what I know now! It was never really about the brain, although we need them to think about what is right, good, and true. The key to motivation was never about working more, making up for past mistakes, or riding ourselves or others through derogatory insults and guilt. The key to honorable and compelling motivation for self and others is to live out our identity as beloved children of God, knowing in Christ we already have all we truly need.

God esteems relationships enough to rescue us so we can BE with Him and He with us! Why? Because of love.

Reflect and Respond

Today, fire the slave-driving accuser. Speak the truth of God's love out loud and become a vessel of grace.


God, forgive me for listening to the accuser's lies. I refuse to be harsh with myself and others. Instead, by Your power, I will motivate myself and others in a spirit of welcoming love.

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Daily Nuggets of Grace Part 3 Innocent!

There is a war for the love of God. This all-out war makes perfect sense since loving God is the first and most important commandment. This vital ingredient -love is how the world will know we are Christians. The Daily Nuggets of Grace is a tool to help Christians remove barriers like guilt, shame, fear, and pride while learning to abide to recover their first love for Christ.
