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Everything at Your Feet From Mosaic MSC預覽

Everything at Your Feet From Mosaic MSC

9 天中的第 3 天

Come Fill Me Up

I often find myself daydreaming about having more money, a nicer home, the allure of fame, or a more impressive career. It's easy to believe that if I could just have that one desire, I would finally feel complete, right? It’s so tempting to fill our lives with possessions and accolades in search of fulfillment. But even the good gifts in our worldly existence ultimately leave us unsatisfied. No matter the wealth, influence, or status we attain, they remain cheap substitutes for what truly fills the void: inviting God into our hearts to live in relationship with Him. It is the singular source capable of satisfying our deepest longings.

Our hearts were created with empty spaces meant only for God to fill. Only He can quench the profound thirst within our souls. God put a longing within our hearts designed to lead us back to Him. Only His unwavering love has the power to fill the empty places within our hearts and satisfy the deepest longings of our souls.

In Psalm 63, King David writes “You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.” Despite having great wealth, power, and status, King David still feels parched and longs for God. But upon drinking deeply of God's love, he experiences overflowing fulfillment, and we can too.


What are the areas of your life where you seek fulfillment apart from God? This week, reflect on instances when you've tried to fit worldly treasures into the void only God can fill. Ask God to replace those desires with a deep thirst for Him and Him alone.


Dear Lord, help me see where my heart feels empty and how I try to fill it up. Bring me back to You and show me how to find real joy in Your promises and love. Forgive me for the times when I act like I can do life on my own. Today, I'm inviting Your spirit to fill every part of my life. In Jesus' name. Amen. –Jillian Cordeiro

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Everything at Your Feet From Mosaic MSC

Are you ready to surrender control and trust God with everything? In a world where we strive to maintain control over our lives, these devotionals invite you to place everything at God’s feet and trust in His unchanging love. Discover how surrendering your daily, ordinary moments to Him can bring peace and fulfillment that the world cannot offer. Jump in with Mosaic MSC and find the joy and freedom that comes from depending wholeheartedly on the One who holds everything in His hands. 
