Get Your Spirit Back預覽

Get Your Spirit Back

5 天中的第 5 天


Our glorious Savior faced so many battles. He faced so many moments when He could have thrown in the towel. John 12:27–28 gives us a peek into one such moment, when Jesus said:

“Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glo­rify your name!”
Then a voice came from heaven, “I have glori­fied it, and will glorify it again.”

How about you? Thinking about the challenge that has been beating down your spirit, could this be the very reason too that you came to this hour?

You could have been born at any time, but God saw fit for you to be born in this day and age. He knew all the challenges that would come your way. He also knew all the gifts that He put on the inside of you, and now He is asking you to say yes to His plan and to His will.

So do not let discord, racism, sexism, poverty, de­struction, fear, lies, distortions, or anything else in­timidate you and make you run to some corner. At every turn, may these words rise up from your heart: “Father, glo­rify Your name.”

And may you hear God answering back from heaven and saying over your life, “I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again.”

I speak life over you where others have declared death. I speak hope over you where you have walked in doubt. I speak faith over you where there has been fear. And I pray for you to make the move now instead of allowing another moment to pass by living smaller than the heavenly calling you have in Christ Jesus.

You are free.
You are loved.
You are called.
You are chosen.
You are forgiven.
You are adopted.
You are anointed.
And in Jesus’s name, you have your spirit back!

Where do you see new life already beginning to grow within you?



Get Your Spirit Back

How much freer and more confident would you be if you didn’t self-edit, self-filter, or self-argue at every turn? How would your life unfold if you really believed—in mind, heart, and body—that almighty God loves you and has called you to this amazing life? This devotional is a biblically rich guide to getting your spirit back.
