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Deep Breath

7 天中的第 2 天

Face Your Fear

Have you ever been afraid, and had someone reach over and hold your hand?

Maybe you were waiting in a doctor's office for some difficult news, and someone you loved took your hand and held it. You know, there's a lot of things in life that can make you afraid, aren't there? But there's a special comfort when somebody stronger holds your hand.

Well, the good news is that today, God is holding your hand. God makes this promise in Isaiah chapter 41, verse 13.

“For I hold you by your right hand— I, the Lord your God. And I say to you, “Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.’”

Are you facing something this week that you're afraid of? Maybe it’s a nerve-wracking situation at your work or in your family. Maybe it's a health crisis or a financial shortfall and it's got you scared.

You know, if you're honest, maybe you feel like you can't even reach for God, let alone hold tight to His hand.

That's when it's important to remember that God promises He is already holding on to you. Take a moment to repeat His promise out loud:

"For I hold you by your right hand.

I, the Lord your God.

And I say to you, don't be afraid.

I am here to help you."

Like a father holding his child for security, God has you in the palm of His hand. And His grip on your life doesn't depend on your strength today—it's dependent on His love.

So you are safe. You are eternally loved by an eternal God. I want to let that sink in right now. God is holding out His hand and inviting you to trust Him with your situation.

Let's take hold of God's strength with a breath prayer. These are ancient tools to help you settle your soul, connect with God, and pray through His Word.

So take a deep breath of four seconds through your nose, then say; "Lord, you hold my hand."

Then breathe out your mouth and say; "You are here to help me."


"Lord, you hold my hand."


"You are here to help me."

One more time. Inhale.

"Lord, you hold my hand."


"You are here to help me."


Father, thank you for reaching out your hand today. There is nothing facing anyone reading these words that is too big for you. We ask, in Jesus' powerful name, that you would cast out any fear we have today with your perfect love.

We trust you completely, God, and we rest in the grip of your grace. We give all our concerns and cares to you today, and we take hold of your hand today.

In Jesus name, Amen.

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Deep Breath

Deep Breath devotionals are designed to help you start your day off right with a dose of Scripture, guided prayer, and some encouragement from Pastor Tim Lucas.
