Born Royal預覽

Born Royal

5 天中的第 5 天

God Is for You

Women were not treated well in Jesus’ day. They could not sit and hear the Word of God being read; they weren’t even allowed to touch the Scriptures. But Jesus honored, defended, and spoke up for women. He saved the life of the woman accused of adultery (John 8:1–11). He stopped in a crowd to heal a woman with an issue of blood (Luke 8:43–48). He called to a woman in the temple and healed her on the sabbath, which was unheard of (Luke 13:10–17).

When Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared for the first time to women. He then commissioned women to be evangelists. (Check out Matthew 28:7-10 and Mark 16:9–10.)

I love how Jesus defended the value of women not just in private locations but also in crowds. And today, God is the one who is going to lay the foundation to build us up and to make us into the women of God that he’s called us to be.

Hear this: Jesus is for women. And he is for you.

Luke 6:47–48 says, “I will show you what it’s like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and then follows it. It’s like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on a solid rock.”

Christ is our rock. If we build our life on Him, we’re going to be able to stand taller than ever. When the winds and waves come, we’ll still stand because we’re standing on the foundation of Christ.

Christ is the only foundation that can withstand all storms.

Your boyfriend or husband is not your foundation.

Your finances are not your foundation.

Your job is not your foundation.

Your church even is not your foundation.

When the storms come, you’ll wonder, "How am I still fighting? How do I have peace when all this crazy stuff is happening?" It’s because you are standing on the rock.

We are going to be women who stand firm. We’re going to stand by each other. We’re going to stand for each other. When storms come, we still stand because our house is built on the rock of Jesus Christ.

God, thank you for being for me, for loving me as your daughter, for defending and valuing me as a woman. I want to go deeper. Help me to know you more. Amen.

We hope you find this reading plan encouraging. Learn more about Born Royal by Oneka McClellan click here .



Born Royal

If today you are feeling weary, held back, pushed down, or disqualified, receive this truth: God is for you. Discover the joy of trusting your God-given identity, fighting for the flourishing of others, and building your hope on the foundation of Christ as you become the woman God says you are!
