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The Call to Generate Spiritual Children預覽

The Call to Generate Spiritual Children

5 天中的第 1 天

The Call to Spiritual Fruitfulness

The story of Onan, found in Genesis 38:8-10, is a powerful warning about the danger of seeking pleasure without responsibility. Onan was Judah's son and was instructed to fulfill the law of levirate marriage, which required him to marry his older brother Er's widow to produce children in the deceased brother's name. However, Onan, although having sexual relations with Tamar, spilled his semen on the ground to avoid generating offspring. This selfish and disobedient action resulted in God's wrath and Onan's premature death.

Onan's act was a clear example of spiritual selfishness. He chose to satisfy himself without fulfilling his obligation to raise offspring for his brother. This attitude showed disrespect both to Tamar and to God's commandments. The immediate consequence was severe: God took him from the earth because of his disobedience.

As Christians, we are called to be fruitful and make disciples of all nations, according to Jesus' Great Commission in Matthew 28:19. In John 15:5, Jesus reminds us that He is the vine and we are the branches; whoever abides in Him and He in us will bear much fruit. Spiritual fruitfulness is not just a commandment but an expression of our connection with Christ.

Bearing spiritual fruit means living a life that reflects the values of God's Kingdom and positively impacts those around us. It is not just about our personal edification but also about influencing others to know and follow Christ. As followers of Jesus, we should seek opportunities to share our faith, serve others, and disciple new believers.

On this first day of the devotional, reflect on how Onan's story can serve as a warning in your spiritual life. Evaluate your attitudes, actions, and priorities, and ask God to give you a heart willing to bear fruit that glorifies His name. May we follow the example of Jesus, our elder brother, and fulfill the call to generate spiritual children for God's Kingdom.



The Call to Generate Spiritual Children

Onan sought pleasure without generating children for his brother, disobeying God. Jesus, our elder brother, calls us to generate spiritual children, not just for our personal satisfaction. This five-day devotional will guide you to reflect on how to fulfill this call with faithfulness.
