Financial Discipleship – the Bible on Riches & Wealth預覽

1 Timothy 6:10 says, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” But money in and of itself is neutral.
It is a tool that can be used for either good or evil. The trouble, though, lies when we allow money to master us rather than us master money.
When we love money for money’s sake, it can begin to control all our decision-making, and eventually, it can lead to idolatry.
Our devotion to it can motivate us toward greed, pride, envy, lying, and other sins.
Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” (Matthew 6:24)
In the Parable of the Rich Young Ruler, when challenged by Jesus, the young man was unable to bring himself to sell all his possessions to give to the poor in order to inherit eternal life. He was unable to obey the first commandment, “You shall have no other gods before me (Exodus 20:3). His wealth had become his master.
We come into this world with nothing and we can take nothing out of it. Therefore, everything that we have is a provision and blessing from God that we are to steward well. When we view money in this way, we are more likely to be content in life.
Our relationship with money starts from an early age. So, it’s important to start children off in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6). But even as adults, it’s not too late to change how we view money.
How we view money not only has an impact on our relationship with God but also on our relationships with others.
Money can be used for evil, but it can also be used for good. It can be used to tear others down or build them up.
The choice is yours.
Yours in His Service,
Gwenda Jayawardhana
Founding Member, Compass Australia
(excerpt taken from How to Have The Proper Perspective on Money, by Gwenda Jayawardhana, 2022)

The Bible has a lot to say about riches and wealth. Some believers either believe God requires a life of lack or that God shouldn’t have a say in their wealth. Neither could be further from the truth. This 5-day plan will help readers gain a biblical understanding and perspective on riches and wealth, apply it to their lives, and prepare them to share this learning with others.