Even Now: Trusting God in the Struggle預覽

If we stop reading where we left off yesterday, it seems that Joseph’s story has a happy ending, but don’t be misled. Joseph and his family experienced more conflict before they found peace with one another.
Understand, trusting and obeying God doesn’t guarantee a happy ending this side of Heaven. Although some of the hurt we experience here on Earth is just the natural byproduct of being flawed human beings who haven’t made it to Heaven yet, some is the direct result of our Calling. There are plenty of people in the Bible who trusted and obeyed God and suffered for it. Some even died.
Does any of this change what we’ve learned about trusting and obeying God? NO.
Why not? Easy. God is still God. Never has there been and never will there ever be another like Him. Holy, He deserves to be worshipped for His Perfection whether or not our worship benefits us in any way.
Bottom line? Even if God didn’t love us, even if He hadn’t sent Jesus to rescue us from our own sin and give us Life, even if He didn’t offer to adopt us and give us a chance to be part of something miraculous and eternal, even if He didn’t bless us every single day in countless ways we don’t even notice, God would still deserve our trust and obedience.
Whether or not we ever get anything out of it, it is a privilege to give God His due!
As you read today’s passages about a young man who suffered as a direct result of his faith in God, consider the depth of his devotion to Jesus. Ask yourself how far you are willing to trust God and how much you are willing to sacrifice to give Him His due through your own obedience.

Life is hard, but events like war, famine, and pandemics are extra scary. It may seem like no one is strong, but God is always willing and able to take care of those who come to Him. In this Study, you'll read about Joseph, a man who faced such challenges and made mistakes, but learned to run to God and found Peace. You’re never alone.