Mentoring Lessons- Trust預覽

Do you see them?
When you partner with ministry and donor friends, do you notice their children?
I was a house guest in the home of a well-known friend and leader. Whenever visiting with his family, I prioritized time to talk with his three children if they wanted to speak with me.
If I called the house and one of the children answered, I always asked how they were doing in school, sports, and other activities.
As a result of our interactions, one of the children recently trusted me with a sensitive situation in their family. It's incredible how children and teens reach out to an adult that ‘sees them’ and becomes their friend.
There is such power in taking an interest in people who don’t expect your attention.
When you call someone’s home and a child answers, they tend to say, “Wait a minute. I'll get my mom or dad.” Recently, a friend’s daughter shared what she wrote about me.
"He was like the cool ‘uncle’ who always was available for me when he called. No matter my age!!! TELL ME! How are you doing??!!! How is school? He made you feel like the most important person in the world. This kind friend of my dad sincerely and authentically seemed to care for little ol' me."
There is such power in taking an interest in people who don’t expect your attention. In this, you are sowing seeds for the future.
Scripture to ponder – Matthew 18:10
And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.
Key Lesson: The relationships of a wise leader include the spouses and children of close friends, leaders, and teams. When you have relationships with whole families, you will find a new joy in serving, and the relationships will endure

Explore the theme of trust through this Bible study plan, drawing on inspiring stories and lessons learned from sports missions across the globe.