LOVE- Champions by the Fruit of the Spirit預覽

Love vs. Hatred
Bible story: Judas betrays Jesus Matthew 26:14-16
Theme Verse: 1 John 4:20
Hate is such a strong word, a feeling that is the opposite of love, but sometimes it just means disliking someone. Have you met people that you disliked?
Hate can be just a feeling, or it can include actions against someone. For example, it could be tattling to the teacher at school about someone who was cheating. What were the motives for telling the teacher? Was it because they were ahead of you, and you wanted to pull them down? On the other hand, maybe you just wanted to embarrass or hurt them.
People step on other people in order to raise themselves up. Most animals take care of their own species, but humans sometimes do not. We get jealous, or angry, or sometimes for no reason at all, we hurt others. There are times when someone hurts us, and instead of forgiving him or her, we wait for a chance to hurt them for revenge.
Today's Bible story is about a man who decided to get a friend in trouble. Judas Iscariot was a disciple of Jesus who went to the church leaders and offered to betray Jesus. Maybe he was jealous of Jesus, or was angry with Him. We do not know his motives, except the Bible mentions that he wanted money. The church leaders did not go to Judas, but he went to them, and asked them what they were willing to pay for the betrayal.
Just like Judas, money can be another motive that we have to hate someone. Maybe we just do not like them, so we do not care about them. When an opportunity arises to profit from someone, we do not hesitate, even when we know it will hurt them. Why are humans from all around the world like this?
People have those they like and those they dislike. We should expect to be hated, but we are not to hate back. God asks us to love everyone. In fact, the Bible says that we cannot love God if we do not first love others. (1 John 4:19-21)
1. What happens when you use the word "hate"?
2. Is hell real? Will people really go there?
3. What makes you not want to be friends with someone?
Life Application:
Do something nice for someone you dislike. Hold your tongue when you see someone else cheating or about to mess up. Do not tell on them or get them in trouble.

How can the fruit of the spirit win the battle against the sins of my flesh? This five-day reading plan shows the battles of LOVE versus selfishness, judgemental attitudes, hatred, self justification and spiritual vanity. Kristi Krauss uses the fruit of the spirit found in Galatians 5 as a guide to spur us into action to become champions of LOVE in our daily lives.