Remember When預覽

Remember When

28 天中的第 2 天

Reading the Bible can feel intimidating sometimes. But one simple way of studying Scripture is called S.O.A.P. It stands for "Scripture," "Observation," "Application," and "Prayer." We'll show you how—it's easy!

S: Scripture

If you haven't already, read today's passage of Scripture. Then summarize it in your own words.

O: Observation

Read John 1:1–14 again.

  • What themes do you see in the passage? What words occur multiple times?
  • What does it teach us about the world's need for a savior?
  • How does the passage describe John's role in welcoming the coming savior?

A: Application

  • Where do you need a light this Christmas season?
  • What's a way you could provide light to others this week?
  • What does it mean to you that Jesus became human and came to live among us? What's something you can do to remember his presence in your life today?

P: Prayer

Spend some time in prayer about a place where you need light. It may be something like a difficult thing you're experiencing, a heartache you see a friend walking through, or a decision that seems to have no right answer. Ask for peace and a sense of God's presence in the situation.

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Remember When

Christmas is one of those holidays that feels timeless. It's a season that invites us to be nostalgic and think about memories from Christmases past. In this 4-week devotional series from Grow Curriculum, we'll take a look at the Christmas story to see how something we may have heard long ago can still help us grow today.
