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Choosing Well: The Keys to Good Stewardship預覽

Choosing Well: The Keys to Good Stewardship

7 天中的第 4 天

Empty Your Storehouses

As good stewards according to God’s heart, we will channel the resources He gives us into what is in His best interests, not only ours. To choose well, we must understand the differences between what the world considers wealth and what God values. The following signs can guide us to make better decisions about what God has put in our hands, so we can be the managers or trustees He is after.

The firsts sign is that the riches of God are eternal. The superficial treasures of this world are temporary. They will fade. They will fall short. They will let us down.

Too often, we focus on gathering and hoarding the wealth of this world. We want a collection of frivolous joys, hoping we can rely on our memories of them when things get tough.

We imagine a fulfilling life is just one elusive adventure away, one change in circumstance, just one more tax bracket bump. If we could only get there, then we would kick up our heels, relax, and live happily ever after.

But trials and difficult circumstances are going to come. The only thing more certain is death. Our hoarding won’t help. It will hurt us. If we appear before God with wasted resources to our name, it will be to our shame rather than our credit.

Although the amplified voices of this world make it seem hoarding is the only way, it is not the sole option. The riches of God look a lot like human riches. The difference is that they are resources to worship Him and to care for one another rather than for self-preservation and self-aggrandizement.

God is the King of riches. He has given us all things to enjoy and be content. He invites us to gain treasures that will not rust or spoil by seeking to live in harmony with the principles of His kingdom. All the treasures of this earth are transitory. They are passing through our hands on their way to somewhere else. God invites us to store in heaven lasting treasures that will never fade.

Lord, thank You for Your abundant provision. Help us to enjoy everything You give us, and everything we have with thanksgiving. Don’t let our hearts be fooled by covetousness or hoarding. May we be useful instruments in Your hands to bless others.

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Choosing Well: The Keys to Good Stewardship

Making good decisions is paramount in managing what the Lord has placed in our hands. He is expecting a return on His investments in our salvation and restoration. It is not advisable to present ourselves empty-handed on “that day” when we will be accountable to Him. The Yellow Balloons team gives us a new perspective on one final key to the puzzle of choosing well. What will it be?
