Praying for Leaders預覽

Praying for Leaders

14 天中的第 4 天

A Prayer for Integrity:

Gracious Lord Jesus,

Thank You that we can look to you as our perfect role model of integrity. As you lived and led amongst those who were constantly trying to make your words and motives mean other than you intended, you remained constant in being who you claimed to be and doing what you promised to do.

We pray Holy Spirit empowerment for this same consistency in personal character and leadership actions for our leaders today, for we believe the desire of each of them is to reflect Jesus in every aspect of their lives.

May our movement be filled with leaders whose genuine desire is to be true to who you have created them to be, celebrating and using their strengths for your purposes, and owning their weaknesses in honest humility – empowering the wisdom of others to speak into these, in order to grow.

Our leaders become highly visible representatives of the Church – sometimes being all that others may know of it – so we pray give them courage to genuinely reflect the characteristics of Christ through their words and actions at all times.

Thank You, Jesus for being absolutely who you claimed to be.

Keep our leaders true to who they are in Christ, always.


Reflection: Am I applying the same expectations regarding integrity that I am looking for in my leaders to myself?

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Praying for Leaders

From Scripture, it is clear that we are to honour, show respect and love for our leaders, and never stop praying. In these days where significant global challenges are impacting the Church, our leaders need our focused, intentional prayer as they lead. For fourteen days, we look to Scripture and pray intentionally for those who lead in our church, each day focusing on a different aspect of leadership.
