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The Resurrection Changes Everything: An 8 Day Easter & Holy Week Devo預覽

The Resurrection Changes Everything: An 8 Day Easter & Holy Week Devo

8 天中的第 6 天

The Darkness and Victory of Good Friday

Reading the phrase “and the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two” in today’s context doesn’t hold as much weight as it did in Jesus’ time. What comes to mind when you picture a curtain? Possibly a window? So, why would a curtain have anything to do with Jesus dying on the cross?

In fact, this moment was monumental, and there is more to it than you may be able to see from your twenty-first-century perspective.

The temple was where God chose to make His home with His people. Within the temple, behind a heavy curtain (called a veil) was the Holy of Holies. Only the high priest could enter this sacred space, and only after following elaborate instructions for purification.

The ripping of the curtain at Jesus’ death represents something profound. Jesus offered the final sacrifice for purification — Himself. Before giving up His spirit, Jesus said, “It is finished” (John 19:30, NLT). The moment that looked like ultimate defeat, Jesus’ death, was actually ultimate victory because of what His death (and resurrection) accomplished.

The violent tearing of the curtain represents both Jesus’ gruesome death and sacrifice for our sin, as well as the removal of the barrier between people and God. Now that the curtain was left ripped and open, sinful people could enter into God’s presence. With sin taken out of the equation through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, all people could finally come freely into fellowship with God (see Hebrews 10:19-22).

The moment you confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you step into an eternal relationship with Him.

No longer does the temple hold the presence of God, but His presence lives in you.

The author of Hebrews shows what is now possible for those who put their faith in Jesus. “So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most” (Hebrews 4:16, NLT).

Reflect and Respond

What is one way your life is different because Christ tore the temple veil in two?

Jesus, I’m amazed by Your wondrous mercy and love. Clear my mind and help me to understand the sacrifice You made. Thank You for giving Your life in my place and for opening the way for me to have a restored relationship with You forever.

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The Resurrection Changes Everything: An 8 Day Easter & Holy Week Devo

Are you exhausted? Do you sense that the world isn’t as God created it to be? Is it hard for you to find your sense of purpose? If you’re tired from transitions or if you’re in need of refreshment, this is an invitation to you. Follow along Jesus’ path to the cross and what it means for you, as you are guided through Jesus’ final days of ministry on earth.
