Teaching Your Child How to Respect and Obey (God’s Way)預覽
Day 1: Prayerful Foundation
Today marks the start of our 10-day exploration of teaching respect and obedience to our beloved children. Just as a strong building needs a solid foundation, so do our children's values. We'll start by laying the prayerful foundation, turning to the Scriptures in Proverbs 2:6 and Psalm 119:33 for guidance. Through prayer, we'll seek the wisdom and understanding needed to shape our children's hearts.
Action to take today:
Begin with a prayer, seeking wisdom and understanding from God as you embark on the journey of teaching respect and obedience to your school-age children. Ask for guidance to shape their hearts.
Loving Father, grant me the wisdom to teach my children respect and obedience. May Your Word be a lamp to their feet and a light to their path. Guide us on this journey, Lord. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
Next, read and meditate on God's Word before you go about your day.
Scripture, actions, and prayers that will foster an atmosphere of love, respect, and obedience in your home.