14 Days of Strength in Any Struggle預覽

14 Days of Strength in Any Struggle

14 天中的第 5 天

God Wants to Give You Rest by Becky Keife

I wrenched myself from the comfort and warmth of my bed. You need this. It’s worth it, I reasoned. I knew I needed more of Jesus than more sleep. I heated a cup of lemon tea and sat down at my kitchen desk. I reached for my Bible, but yesterday’s to-do list caught my eye. So many boxes were left unchecked, with many more to add—urgent tasks, ongoing responsibilities, and so many people depending on me. I dropped my Bible and my head. It was just too much.

I should open my computer and start answering emails before the kids wake up. Lord knows I need every quiet minute I can get, I reasoned with myself. That project isn’t going to move forward alone, and that misunderstanding won’t resolve itself. I’ll never conquer this list if I don’t start now.

As I grabbed my list and pen, the morning light caught the corner of my eye. I glanced out the window to see dawn breaking. Then, my eye zeroed in on a small bird perched on the telephone wire. I leaned closer and recognized the slender needle beak of a hummingbird. I had never seen a hummingbird at rest before. Dashing to-and-fro, zigzagging with frenetic intensity, yes. But never still.

For most of my life, I’ve lived like a hummingbird—body and mind flapping a mile a minute to do all the things with focus and speed. But in truth, I was tired. Bone-to-soul weary.

As I gazed upon the tiny resting bird, a different voice filled my mind: Daughter, even the most vivacious and productive creature was created to rest. Not just rest from striving, but rest in Me. I want to take care of you today. Let Me.

I pushed aside my list and my laptop and bowed my head again, not in defeat, but in gratitude for being seen.

God sees you, too, and He wants to take care of you.

“Look at the birds. They don’t plant, harvest, or store food in barns, for your Heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to Him than they are?” MATTHEW 6:26 NLT

Where are you finding God’s strength today?

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14 Days of Strength in Any Struggle

What if you could see God clearer and know Him deeper in the middle of your struggles? You don’t have to keep trying to muster up more grit, willpower, or wisdom on your own. You can tap into the source of true, unfailing strength. How? In this 14-day Bible reading plan, you’ll discover where strength really comes from―Jesus, who holds everything together.
