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Daniel Fast- Called to Fight Until Victory預覽

Daniel Fast- Called to Fight Until Victory

21 天中的第 11 天

Day 11: In Steadfastness and Courage

“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.”

1 Corinthians 16:13

In calling Joshua to take possession of the land, God repeatedly tells him to be steadfast and courageous. This command was not only for him but also for all the Israelites, as they were to enter a land inhabited by enemies, dominated by idolatry and evil. It took fortitude and courage to root out all this wickedness, to triumph over sin and flesh (Joshua 1:6-7, 9; 10:26; Deuteronomy 31:6, 7-9, 23).

Fortitude is a state in which no flexibility is possible—it is the ability to resist loads and pressure, the response to all kinds of trials and temptations.

Courage is the presence of a steadfast spirit in moments of danger, difficulty, and challenge. It is the ability to act decisively and expediently in difficult circumstances, to control impulses, and overcome fear and uncertainty. It is the ability to mobilize all forces to solve problems.

Joshua needed such fortitude and courage to fulfill his God-given mission, to say YES to the Lord's call, leading an entire nation into the promised land (Joshua 1:6). Leadership is not for the faint of heart but for the steadfast in spirit.

Joshua and the people had to have a firm and courageous heart to keep the Law of the Lord, not deviating to the right or the left (Joshua 1:7-8). In a world filled with tolerance and constant informational influence, it's challenging to stay pure and true. However, the Lord Jesus anticipated this, saying to His disciples, "But take courage; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33b). Christ Himself is our firm foundation in this decaying world (1 Corinthians 3:11). Having an unshakable foundation in the Word of God, obeying it makes us like a wise builder who constructs a house on solid ground (Luke 6:46-49).

Joshua needed fortitude and unbreakable faith to stick to the path and do God's will. After Israel's defeat at Ai due to Achan's sin and marching without God's guidance, Joshua needed the firmness not to doubt God, to stand on His promises, and the courage to move on without dwelling on mistakes. In these moments, he turned to God. And ran to him, and the Lord said, "Rise up!" (Joshua 7:6-9). The Lord set Joshua firmly again to continue his mission. Similarly, we may face challenges, but relying on the Faithful Lord is our encouragement (Isaiah 26:4; Deuteronomy 32:4).

Firm and courageous, Joshua and the people had to be to avoid compromise when Achan's sin was discovered. Joshua declared there would be no compromise; he would fulfill the Lord's command. The consequences for Achan and his family were devastating (Joshua 7:10-26). Our weakness, tolerance, and flexibility toward wickedness can have severe consequences, affecting not only us but also our families, neighborhoods, and nations. This is why the Lord warns Moses and Joshua of the people turning away and the severe consequences (Deuteronomy 31:14-40). This is why Joshua is firm in his decision, calling the people to serve the Lord alone and not to follow any idοls (Joshua 23:6-16; 24:14-15). Following the Lord every minute requires determination and courage. Thus, we are advised to consider every step to stay on the true path (Proverbs 4:26; 10:29). "Thanks be to God, who has given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!" (1 Corinthians 15:57). Death no longer has power; our Savior has defeated sin.

Joshua needed courage and fortitude to finish what he started, to take his inheritance and drive out enemies. He fulfilled every assignment from the Lord (Joshua 11:16-23). Chapters 13 through 19 describe how Joshua distributes the land to the Israelites. Here, too, he needed firmness and courage to counsel the doubters to do what the Lord expects of them (Joshua 18:3). In the same way, we may fail to enter new territories for God's kingdom due to fear and insecurity. We don't take new territories for God's kingdom because we think we can't, but God wants us to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. God desires us to be strong and courageous leaders, changing a sinful culture and building His kingdom. May the Holy Spirit fill us with confidence in God's faithfulness, yesterday, today, and forever. We have no reason to waver, for God is faithful always!

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.”

Isaiah 26:3-4

Reflection Questions:

1. What do you personally need to be firm and courageous about?

2. What might challenge your victory? Formulate spiritual principles for following Jesus firmly and steadfastly.


  1. For God to increase our courage and boldness.
  2. For Great East – may they continue to be courageous in their highly restricted environment.
  3. For GAPPS to be reached with courageous leaders.

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Daniel Fast- Called to Fight Until Victory

This devotional delves into the truths of the book of Joshua, which will help us stand in the most challenging spiritual battles against the world, the flesh, and the devil. Using the fearless leader Joshua as an example, we will learn how to endure the spiritual battle with a hostile and fierce world and emerge victorious. We are called to fight until victory!
