Ten Days Through The Prayers Of Jesus預覽

Praying Like a Little Child
There is no second-guessing about what we must be like to enter the kingdom of heaven. There is no test to pass to see if we have reached the right score on the righteousness scale. There is no spiritual timepiece to measure the minimum requirement for prayer and Bible study. There is only one required standard to enter the kingdom of heaven: childlike faith in Christ as Savior.
Little children are harmless and inoffensive. They are meek, free from malice, and without pride. Little children do not have ambitious ideas or desires for superiority. Where do you go to school? How much money does your parent make? These are questions that wouldn’t cross a child’s mind.
Thursday of every week is my day to take my four-year old grandson, Isaac, to a popular chicken place with a great indoor play area. It never fails—within a few minutes of playing, he has made friends with other little kids, and they are transformed into lifelong buds. Nearly every time one of the kids he is playing with leaves or we go, it is like he is having his best friend ripped out of his life. Little children don’t judge, size up, scrutinize, evaluate, or compare. Little kids only know friends, not acquaintances, colleagues, or strangers—only friends. They just play well with others. Do you play well with others?
The question you must ask yourself is: Do I really trust my heavenly Father the way a little child trusts? Your prayers will reveal your belief system when it comes to trust in the Father. You see, I really do believe my heavenly Father is loving and faithful and has my best interests at heart. I believe He hears my prayers (John 14:13). I believe God the Father looks at me as one of His little children. He calls me up close to Him and says, “Tell Me what is on your heart, son.” He says, “Get quiet and listen to what I say to you.” So simple, so conversational, so unprofessional, so real. That’s the way He teaches us to pray. He desires the honest simplicity of praying like a little child, not praying to be heard by others or attempting to impress God. Can you imagine trying to impress God with your prayers? What a waste of time.
In coming to our Lord in prayer with the spirit of childlikeness, we will realize the Fatherhood of God in our lives.

What Christian doesn’t want to be more effective in prayer? Take an expedition for ten days and travel deeply into the prayers of Jesus. Look directly into Jesus’ prayer life and let Him be your personal tutor. It is the most important lesson you will ever learn in life—how to pray more like Jesus.