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Worldview: A Study on Biblical Thinking and Lifestyle預覽

Worldview: A Study on Biblical Thinking and Lifestyle

9 天中的第 6 天

Day Six: The Nature of God

God is the Primary (First) Cause. What we believe about God affects every area of life. Research in the field of neuroscience has shown that if you spend enough time contemplating God, it physically changes your brain. As circuits become activated and new connections are made, the brain becomes more sensitive to subtle realms of experience—in essence, God becomes neurologically real.

The level to which we engage with God certainly affects our sense of value and purpose in life and literally manifests in how we think. But simply believing in God doesn’t change our actions and character. Even Satan and demons believe in God! The bigger issues are: How does God relate to us, and how do we relate to Him?

The God of the Bible is personal and has chosen to reveal Himself to humankind. Many people deny His existence, but God is made known to us in many ways; the evidence can be seen through the testament of creation, our innate conscience, the Scripture, history, the prophets, signs, wonders, miracles, general revelation, and the redeemed church community. But whether we choose to acknowledge Him, God’s existence is not contingent on our belief in Him.

Could such a great symphony as the universe have no conductor? —Albert Einstein

God’s desire is that we would see the fullness of His character and choose to love Him in return. The Scriptures reveal to us God’s character—that He is sovereign, purposeful, and relational. God cares for us specifically and personally. He wants to know us and wants us to fully know Him!

And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. —Matthew 10:30

God’s ultimate goal is for us to have communion with Him—an intentional relationship where we spend time with Him and choose to become more like Him. He wants us to have a holistic approach to our relationship with Him. This means submitting every aspect of our lives to God out of our desire to please Him. Our questions and beliefs should start, not end, with God because He is the first cause. He is behind everything. All of life’s big questions lead back to Him!

Thought of the Day: God loves us and wants to have a personal relationship with us! The more we come to know and love Him, the more we want to submit every aspect of our lives to Him.

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Worldview: A Study on Biblical Thinking and Lifestyle

Everyone has a worldview, whether they realize it or not! As Christians, becoming aware of the filters through which we see the world is essential to our spiritual maturity, lifestyle, and influence. By learning how to think critically and analyze information, whether in the media or conversations with others, you’ll be empowered to address complex issues and life situations with confidence!
