Generation to Generation預覽

Generation to Generation

6 天中的第 6 天


Mary, the mother of our Saviour. Perhaps the most famous of the women listed in the genealogy of Jesus.

She is known for her obedience, her humility and as the only woman ever to have lived that had the privilege of being overshadowed by the power of the Most High; and to carry, birth and raise Jesus, God Himself.

Mary wasn’t chosen because of her social status, her good education, or her family background. She was chosen because of her heart before God, her humility - summed up in her response to what God asked of her, “I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your Word.” What a response!

When we take a closer look at Mary’s story we realise that there was so much more to her life than what we often realise. This divine purpose Mary had, came with much joy but also with great pain.

Mary could’ve been as young as thirteen or fourteen when she first had the angelic visitation that changed her life. At this young age, her life was completely flipped upside-down in response to God's plan for her.

Although carrying the Messiah was the greatest privilege, this divine calling came with danger, inconvenience, and a change of her plans. Mary was betrothed to a young man, Joseph. In the days of Mary, a betrothal (or engagement as we’d call it nowadays) was a binding agreement between a couple and their families. The culture in which Mary lived would often stone women who had babies out of wedlock.

It would’ve taken immense trust and blind obedience to say yes like she did, without considering the huge impact it could have upon her life.

As you think about Jesus’ story, think of some of the big milestones in His ministry - His miracles, His huge following, His torturous death, His resurrection. Imagine the story through the lens of Mary. She would’ve experienced such pride and joy, but also enormous sorrow, pain and heartbreak because of her calling.

Mary's story started out with a simple yes that required great faith in God and His character, and a desire to please Him more than a desire to please people.

If you’re struggling to say ‘yes’ to what God’s asked you to do, then as you read Mary’s story, why not examine your heart to see if there’s any areas where perhaps you’ve stopped trusting in God and His character. His plans for our lives, although they often come with a cost, are always so much greater and more fulfilling than any plans we could make for ourselves.

Mary’s story is a wonderful encouragement to those who feel overwhelmed by what God has asked them to do. Big callings require reckless obedience, and our callings always come at a cost.

For those of us who have said ‘yes’ to what God has for you, and like Mary you’re experiencing the pain of your calling, take heart from her story, that no pain is ever wasted in God. You might not see the full picture now, and there might be parts you don’t understand but trust that God is working through every act of faith and obedience. Birthing something supernatural will be inconvenient at times – but the cost always pales in comparison to the fruit that comes from obeying the call.



Generation to Generation

There are so many incredible women of faith in the bible, and there is so much wisdom and inspiration that we can glean from their stories. This devotional follows five incredible women who were part of the lineage of Jesus Christ, showing us the faithfulness of God from generation to generation. 💖
